Friday, 26 March 2021

When A Black Man Gets Accused Of Being Racist


I rarely ever cover racism in a post because many people already do it. The reason I have done it is because I have been given signs that I am being labeled as a racist, which is ridiculous. I am going to deal with this right now.


My Racism Experience 


If you don’t understand racism after you read this post then there is probably no way else to explain it. If you read to the end then you are going to learn something.


There will be uncensored words in this post. It’s the only way to make everything clear.


1. Firstly, almost everyone I have tried to explain racism to who was a white person got offended and could not relate to what I was trying to show them.


I will use Piers Morgan’s conversation with Alex as an example. Alex represents me trying to explain racism to a person who doesn’t understand. Piers represents most of the white people I had the conversation with. The conversation goes nowhere and Piers gets offended.


9th March 2021


Piers shows no interest in taking into account anything Meghan has to say and is offended every time Alex tries to explain things in a clear way. That’s been my experience.


2. Now lets rewind to nine months earlier.


In this clip this is the dialogue:


Piers Morgan: "You know what it’s true. White people predominantly do have privilege over black people. We just do."


Susanna Reid: "Middle class white people will never be able to understand fully the experience of the black community."

Piers Morgan: "Never been stopped by the police so how can I possibly understand what that is like?"


Piers and Susanna both openly declared unfair treatment and a lack of knowing what some in the black community go through. So there is a problem. Why is it like this? Isn’t it time that everyone was treated based on their character and not by the colour of a person’s skin?


3. So now lets go deeper to where this mindset comes from.


This is deeply planted in people who ARE STILL ALIVE TODAY who hold racist tendencies because they were programmed to through television. They believed the programming and lived out what they saw on the screen and brought it into the streets up and down the country. Then they taught their children these same values.


Exhibit A. Why and where the deep racism comes from. TV programming. (From Love Thy Neighbour)


Exhibit B. Can you see now where all this deep seated resentment for black people came from? The TV is powerful and still today people copy sayings from it. (Alf Garnet. Surplus.)


Exhibit C. The television normalized it for white people to get upset if a white person was classed as a racist while being racist. (Alf Garnet)


Exhibit D. It was made acceptable to be racist on TV so it was replicated in society.


4. Does Harry and Meghan have the right to make the claim about how they have been treated?


The videos above show you years of accepted racism. Personally, as most of these TV shows were around when I was younger, after these shows were aired I would be on the receiving end of a barrage of racism learnt from these shows and said to me at school. Also in that time they showed the original slavery “Roots” TV series so also I would get called the slave names. I’ve had to go through years and years of TV promoted racism ("Thanks" BBC).


Also, the programmed response to cancel out a complaint by a black person for years has been,

“Oh you've just got a chip on your shoulder.”

That’s a preprogrammed end of conversation statement for, “I don’t want to hear what you have to say.”


And at times, if a black person talks about or reacts to have been racially abused it’s the black person who gets labeled the racist.


People may say,


“That was then. That is not now.”


Well in 2020 just after George Floyd was killed, while I was driving, as traffic either way was slow but moving an oncoming car with a man inside wound down his window and spat at me. My window was up and the flow of the spit hit his car. I’ve never seen this man before. For him to do that was because of all the media attention that was focused on black people for weeks that got to him, I guess, and the hatred had to come out in some way.


Another recent situation in 2020 was when I was in a pub. Out of the blue a man decides to say a racist joke for me to hear that was on the same lines as in one of the video clips above. The joke was about black people having big lips, big eyes and that black people stink.


Another occasion I was in a pub watching the Anthony Joshua fight. Inside the full pub, a man shouts out “get the black….” when Andy Ruiz looked to have hurt Joshua. I looked at the people who were in the area where the shout came from. I looked at their eyes waiting to see who was going to react but no-one did. I then realised from the cheers that the majority in the pub apart from the table I was on wanted Joshua to lose. I watched the rest of the fight praying Joshua would win just to piss that man off. Joshua won. 


I have noticed through the years that pubs are where openly aired racism is predominately the norm. The question is why do you have to be racist against people who have no bad intentions towards you? Is it insecurity? What is it?


Here are some more of my experiences.


One day when I was riding home from work I saw some people I knew from school so I stopped and talked to them. After a little while a police car pulled up and two policemen took my bicycle from me pinned me up against the wall and said,

 “where is it?”

I said “what?”

The cop said, “The wacky backy.” I had no idea what he was talking about.  

I thought, “Why is he asking me for bubble gum?” I thought wacky backy was like hubba bubba. I didn’t know anything about drugs so I had no idea what he was talking about. (The TV has programmed people to believe every black male knows about drugs when a lot of us don’t).


The two cops pinned me against the wall, got my arms outstretched and groped and searched me all over and went in my pockets. I was thinking, “What the hell is going on?” I felt dirty and violated with them putting their hands everywhere. That is not normal human behaviour to do that. I guess that is part of the programming to destroy and make black males have mental issues and become angry. I was only 16 when that happened.


I could write loads of harassment or racial incidents that I have been through.


One of them again was when I was 16 years old and worked at an Ice Rink. Every time this white dude visited the rink he would laugh and call me a black cunt. I wondered why he said that. At another time he would come skating laugh and call me a black bastard. I just stared and wondered why. (Remember I was 16 years old at the time.)

So around his fifth visit to the rink he laughed and called me a black cunt again. I walked up to him and said,


“Every time you see me you call me a black bastard or a black cunt. Why do you do it?”


He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face then replied “I don’t know.”


After that he never said it again.


Another time while working at the rink when I was 16, a group of racists banged on the window telling me they were going to kick my fucking head in when I come outside. At the end of the night and the shift ended and all the customers went home, the group of racists was still banging on the window calling me a nigger and waiting for me to come outside. They were known for fighting people and causing trouble. The manager at the time was a lady who seemed to have never seen racism in her life. She was concerned for me so she got her car and parked it outside the back door where the racists couldn’t see. She opened the back door of her car and I went inside and lie down on the back seat so they couldn’t see me and she drove me home.


[BREAK - To those who use the “n” word. I ask you to choose whether to use it or not. Today it’s a word that is cool to say but back in my day it was highly offensive and caused brutal fights. So out of respect, choose if you want to show honour to us who hate hearing that word and not say it.]


The reason the gang of racists stopped:


 Fortunately for me at that time I told my two older cousins about what was happening so they came down.  

When they came down to confront the racists at the rink the racists outnumbered them but the racists didn't do anything. 


I knew that my cousins wouldn’t always be around so I knew I had to start standing up for myself while still a teen. Playing ice hockey transformed me from always being friendly and gentle into being able to stand up and fight for myself. It was what I needed as I began adulthood. (If you think the racism was bad from what you read already, it got insanely worse when I moved to Shropshire.)


Also I got to realize even from that early age that the other dimension was looking after me. A "being," whether Daemon or angel dragon, was put inside me somehow and stayed quiet as if it was sleeping. I’ll call it my Protector. When I would get racially abused or someone wanted to fight me, I could feel the being inside me wake up. All I would have to do is look at the person and the person would change from wanting to fight me to then being terrified begging and saying they were sorry. It puzzled me for years and still does about what they could see when they changed from aggressor to a pleading wreck.

The times I did have to fight, the Protector done the job (to put it politely). I don’t know where it has been as he hasn’t showed up in a long time. Probably he was letting me go through the changes I needed while the world changes. 




For the rest of the other black males from those times, some have mental health issues as a lot of it stems from the racism they received from those days.


I remember back then, it wasn’t only the different groups of racists that were a problem, there was the harassment from the police, and because I lived in a military town, the soldiers would go out looking to fight black people too.


Almost everyone at that ice rink was racist as far as I can remember. I remember a lady called Mrs Jones who had 4 daughters. I remember she was always nice to me and wasn’t racist. There could have been a handful of others who weren’t racist but in those days racism was normalized.


One of the things that I couldn’t get my head around was when I used to DJ too at the rink. It would be the racists who would bring me vinyl records to play at times. They would bring groups I never heard of before (at the time) called Public Enemy, N.W.A, Kid n Play’s House Party soundtrack etc. I never knew any of these black artists but the racists did and loved the music but didn’t like black people. It made no sense to me.


All I have shared is just a snippet around the age of 16. Can you imagine what else has happened since then? A whole  ton of stuff has happened but I just wanted to share part of my experience with racism.


Jump to 2020, I was speaking to a lady who lives around the corner. She is in her 80’s. When I spoke to her she was insinuating to me that she thought I was a drug dealer. That is programming from past years. In fact, throughout my life people would come up to me and ask me for drugs. Why? Because the TV created a description of a drug dealer and unfortunately for me, I fit that fake profile. Whether I wear a suit and tie or jeans and t-shirt people still thought I was a drug dealer. I have absolutely nothing to do with drugs at all.


Now jump to March 2021. I walked near my home and a family was moving out. I began to talk to the white lady and her two white daughters who were both under 10 years of age. I had never spoken to the girls before. I was puzzled because when the girls were talking to me they had absolutely no fear and were laughing and joking with me as if I was one of their school friends. I then thought that these children have not been programmed to see me as a threat or a drug dealer but just as a person.


It made me think, to end racism people need to humble themselves and be like little children. Then a new world can begin. It starts from within us all.


Even with the years of racism I have been through I still don’t hate white people or people of other colours. I will talk to and have a cup of tea with a person from any nationality.


The problems are the media who keep stirring up racial hatred and also specific adults who have adopted racist attitudes fed to them by the TV to their minds. It's really not worth living like that.

We all should dance more. Have more fun. Be kind more. Take deep breaths more. Inhale positive vibes and exhale what needs to leave. Make love not war. Hug more. 


From here on, people should strip away racism, put it under our feet and become youthful again with a freedom and mind like children. It all begins right now with all of us.



Fix Society


UK Music Producer


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