Monday, 13 April 2020

The Awakening is An Incredible Invisible War

I wasn’t going to post this but watch where this was leading to. I've now decided to share it. This happened in the last 2 weeks.

I was in my home. In the other dimension I heard someone say “Oh no.” They kept repeating it. I said who is this and what came back to me was that it is a god. This god was so sad. On or around the 31st March 2020 I could hear him say “Oh no.” This god is the evil entity that has been controlling this world. He has lost control of the world. Then I sensed that there was a good entity standing right beside him. It seemed as if this good entity came to arrest him or remove the evil entity from having power.

Then a couple of days later, all of a sudden I could see in the other dimension. What I saw was a spirit world army. I looked over my right shoulder and saw lots of beings standing ready for battle. I looked over my left shoulder and saw many more. A thought then came to me to look around and see if I could see the Predator being that showed up before to me. I looked around and then I saw him.

Then out of the blue these words were sent to my mind.

 “The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force.”

A violent war is happening in the kingdom of God, in other words, an invisible war is happening to free the minds of the human race. Your mind has to choose a side. Whichever side you choose connects to your mind. 

The battle is between

1) the continuation of control of the people by the corrupt
2) setting people free from that old system of control to be free.

7 days later on the 9th April 2020 the army that stood behind me appeared again. This time they stood there for a while. Then suddenly they just charged forward fast roaring into battle.

Can you imagine watching an army of beings in another dimension run past you?

Take a look at this clip. This is the best way I can explain it to you.

The army I saw ran much stronger than in the last clip. There were many of them and they charged forward like in this video.

The vision I saw was only of them charging forward. I didn’t see them fight.

And as you may have read already, one day later in my dream on the 10th April 2020 the Archangel Michael showed up.

Whether you believe me or not, I know what I saw.


I have seen some articles online that some people have committed suicide because of the lockdown and some suicide charities have been flooded with calls.

Some people pray as they believe praying can help.

If you want to take part in helping your mind be at peace and helping others find peace at this strange time, read the leaflet at the bottom of the “People Power” post at this link

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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