Wednesday, 8 April 2020

People Power - Take Action From Your Home

For the next few days take part in this.

Most people have been kept from the knowledge of using their inner energy for good.

You may feel the effects of using it within minutes.
You don’t even need to leave your home.

Take part in reading "People Power" on the hour for the next few days.

For example read this PDF at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm etc (in the morning, evening or night) for as many times as you wish to.

I suggest you download "People Power" just in case you lose access to the internet so you can still read it and take part.

There’s a lot going on around the world.

Read and download the “People Power” Leaflet at this link
(Read page 2 first then page 1 at the link)

Share this post so more people around the world can take part in it.


UPDATE: I had a dream hours after I posted "People Power - Take Action From Your Home."

You can read the dream "Powerful Being Landed at an Airport" at this link:

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

People Power Leaflet

Your energy, frequency and vibration has power in the universe. We are in the universe. Use your power.

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