Saturday, 11 April 2020

DREAM: Powerful Being Landed At an Airport

Before I tell you about the dream, I posted a blog with a downloadable leaflet called “People Power.”

The reason I posted that leaflet was because for a few days before that, I was given signs to write an “action meditation” for people to take part in to help rescue children and adults who are being trafficked and who are held underground and in other places by evil people and evil entities. But because I had written the “People Power” leaflet some months ago, but did not post it, I decided to post it now as it included the rescue of children and adults.

Just a few hours after I posted “People Power” I went to sleep.


This was the dream:

I was standing talking to someone outside the fence of what looked like a modified Farnborough Airport. 

I looked up in the sky to my left and saw two moons close together. Then I looked to my right and saw another two moons close together. I also saw a UFO in the sky but I cannot remember what it looked like.

Then a soldier came up to us and said, “You shouldn’t be here. You need to move along.” I noticed that he had a 2 foot long gun that was nothing like normal military use. Then a large group of soldiers came along with guns. I walked a little way from the fence where I was standing.

Next thing we all knew was that something had landed.

In the distance was a 20 foot tall gold human shaped powerful being. He landed inside Farnborough Airport right down the end of this road. In the dream the road was longer.

He could have been around 100 metres away from us but he was on the grounds of the airport.

I will now describe how his presence felt.

Think of standing up and looking down at an ant on the ground. That ant represented all the worlds army’s power put together. You standing there represents him. He generated so much incredible power that he could crush the worlds military with just one stamp on that ant.  

Now think of how it feels in 35 degrees C ( 95F) heat. You are standing with the military, who is supposed to protect you, but they have all lost hope and are all in fear as you stand with them, and you feel the same as they do. It was a horrific weakening fear.

That is how we all felt as this 20 foot gold being arrived. It felt like he didn’t care about human existence. We meant nothing to him. The weapons that the soldiers where carrying were not worth holding.

We all watched him as he walked slowly towards one of the hangars. As he walked at a slow pace he would sing something for three seconds then stop singing but continued walking. He would again sing for three seconds then stop singing for a moment then sing again then stop. He walked closer to the hangar then I woke up.


When I woke up I said to myself, “Why would such a being like that come to the earth?” No human was a match for him. Then words came to me that said there is something hideously wrong on earth.

I thought to myself, “I never ever want to know the name of that being” then instantly I was told his name. It was Michael the Archangel. It was as if he was wearing a metal not known to this world, gold armoured suit. 

It was made known to me that he showed up because I read and done what is mentioned in the “People Power” PDF leaflet. It was also made known to me that these beings come when they see us do something of real benefit to change outcomes. They answer and assist in genuine requests if they are needed to intervene. Most people won’t believe this until trouble comes their way and they start praying.

(NOTE: Angels and aliens are the same thing. Some are good some are evil. Some you can see with your eyes in our world, some are seen in visions and dreams and out of body experiences. There is a spirit dimension around our physical world that most people can’t see).

The dream I had felt so real that I can still feel the heat and the power from the dream that Michael radiated from his body go outwards through my eyes and my skin. His hot electrical like energy spread out far and wide from him and terrified everybody.

Why did I dream of the Farnborough Airport? I already have learnt about what has been talked about concerning Denver Airport, but Farnborough too?

We will see if something comes of this.

Go to the “People Power” post at this link and take part in reading parts 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the PDF leaflet to help rescue the trafficked and imprisoned children and adults.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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