Saturday, 18 April 2020

Strange Visions: If These 4 Things Come True…

In the last couple of days some strange things have been coming to me. Lets see if any of these come true.

1. Electric Pyramid
As I was waking up on the 17th April 2020 I had a vision. I saw a pyramid shape with all the edges connected by electricity. Then I heard the words “free energy” or “free electricity.” I can’t remember which one. Could it mean that it is going to be announced that we are either going to have free electricity or greatly reduced electricity bills? Or does it mean that pyramids can give us free electricity? I created this picture to show what I saw.

2. Fake News
 It came to my mind that fake news is what could be referred to in the Bible as the false prophet.

False: is another meaning for fake.

Prophet: is someone who gives news for now or for in the future.

Once the fake news has completely gone then true news that benefits humanity will only be left. Will a number of major and small news media outlets shut down soon? Where it says the beast and the false prophet gets thrown in the fire may well mean when the system (beast) is no more, the system and the fake news will both be gone.

3. Who Is W.H.O?
With President Trump stopping funding to the W.H.O. something hit me. The World Health Organization has recently said in a video about going into houses and taking people out of them who have the virus. That right there is absurd. It made me question their existence. Are they really about health or is the “health” part a fictitious part in their title? If people are self isolating like they were told to do, why drag them out of their homes? It doesn’t add up.

Then a thought came to me. There’s the World “Health” Organization, the W.H.O. right? Who do people go to see if they have bad health? A doctor. If you put it together what have you got? Doctor Who. Then I wondered, because of the way the W.H.O. are behaving, is their organization really fictitious or a front for something else, while the fictitious show Doctor Who is telling the truth? The reason I say this is because I was doing a search in youtube for “New Earth” because of what is happening around the world right now. The strange thing is this video from Doctor Who was the first thing to show up. Have a watch of this video.

The clip shows people who were infected with diseases and locked up. There were many people locked up in what was a human farm. It says what I have been saying concerning rescuing people in my “People Power Leaflet.” I wonder again if this is why the Archangel Michael showed up because of something hideously wrong happening on earth? Is this part of it too?

4. New Earth Forming?
On the 16th April 2020 I had a vision. I saw the ground change around me in the spirit dimension. This video is an example of what I saw but what I saw was the ground change from a dull colour to a colourful energy transformation and it spread.

It’s only the first 10 seconds of the video I want you to see as it was similar to what I saw happen.

Let’s see if anything said in this post shows up somewhere. It only took a few days for my other dream and vision to be confirmed.

“Like” my facebook page and when something else happens you will be able to know.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

"People Power" Leaflet Link

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