Sunday, 26 April 2020

Fake News and Media Bullying Has To Stop

The terrible actions of some journalists have been dangerous and disgraceful. TV news and newspapers can paint whatever picture they want about people and a large number of the public will believe the story, even if it is a lie, and hate the person or people it is aimed at.

This is one example.

When there was said to be a drone flying near Gatwick Airport in the UK, the newspapers spared no love to the couple who were questioned by police about it. The Mail On Sunday newspaper said on their front page,

“Are These The Morons Who Ruined Christmas?”

When you put this into perspective, can you imagine having millions of people worldwide despising you, and all the thousands of passengers whose flights were disrupted hating you just because your picture was put in newspapers and all over the media? All this while you are in your home oblivious to what is happening?

The couple who the media and millions of people hated at that time had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DRONE.

This type of fake news reporting ruins lives and has led to mental health problems. All I am saying is picture you in this situation. At any given time, the writers of a newspaper can destroy your life just by sensationalizing a false assumption or misrepresenting what you say for profit as the public buy the newspapers which are misguiding them. Surely we all have had enough of the press having so much power to destroy someone’s life; a person who you would never ever likely see in real life. The false misleading news now has to end.

Some of these news and media outlets need to be shut down NOW.

Some people may not want to hear about Harry and Meghan but just continue reading. Anyone can be on the end of false reporting whether famous or the general public. We are human and not robots. Robots have no emotions or feelings, we do.

 On 20th April 2020 Harry and Meghan said they will no longer correspond with the following newspapers, The Sun, Daily Mail, Mirror and Express.

It’s their free right not to want to correspond with whoever they don’t want to. So the best thing to say is,

“Best wishes with your new life in the US and good luck in the future.”

That is the decent thing to do. If the papers said that then everyone would just get on with their life without thinking a bad thought and probably not even have an opinion about it. Agree?

But instead, Piers Morgan kept on talking negatively about them. And because he was being disrespectful to them others joined in with him. WHY? If Piers Morgan said,

“Best wishes to you both,” 

the same people would probably have agreed with him and sent well wishes to the couple. But he chose to be negative and a bunch of people followed his lead.

Piers Morgan is said to have been involved with newspapers for 30 years. Can you imagine the amount of people who he has affected negatively because of all the newspapers he has been involved with? With that amount of negativity spewed out for 30 years and the trauma people may have suffered because of his involvement, should he be locked up for 30 years in prison for causing mental health issues, distress, potential suicides and issues that deteriorated the well-being of other humans? Is this not crimes against humanity?

If celebs have problems defending themselves against brutal journalism, how much more difficult is it for the general public?

In December 2019 ITV had to apologize to the artist Stormzy (pictured above) for misrepresenting what he said in an interview. Reporting like that is dangerous, unfair and should be punished. Fake news reporting has to end. 

Caroline Flack (pictured below) suffered at the hands of the press. It still sickens me that a person committed suicide because of the constant media hounding. Why did they not leave her alone? Why push someone to the point that they want to end their life? Why do newspapers even bother write articles about mental health issues? They are hypocrites. They destroy lives and then report that there is a mental health problem? That's insane.

Listen to Stephanie Davis speak about how the press called her but still ran with a story even though she told them that the story wasn’t true.

Listen to what Stephanie says just after Caroline committed suicide. She blames the unfair pressure of the press.

When does all the fake news end? It ends now!

Fake news = false news for profit = false prophet

This false prophet has to go now.

With no more fake news setting off people to be nasty to others, many people will get along.

It’s time for all the media outlets that put people in trauma, depression, distress and suicide to be shut down. WHY HAVE WE ALLOWED THIS TO CONTINUE FOR YEARS?

Make this universal command. Repeat this aloud 3 times from your gut:

I no longer consent to fake news
I no longer consent to false news reporting
I no longer consent to bullying by the media
Fake news will be no more

Repeat those words for the next few days on the hour e.g. at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm etc for as many times as you want day or night.

Every time Piers Morgan or any other bullying fake news publication is being nasty to people send this message to him and them…

I no longer consent to fake news
I no longer consent to false news reporting
I no longer consent to bullying by the media
Your fake news will be no more

Let us all together bring an end to this now.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Strange Visions: If These 4 Things Come True…

In the last couple of days some strange things have been coming to me. Lets see if any of these come true.

1. Electric Pyramid
As I was waking up on the 17th April 2020 I had a vision. I saw a pyramid shape with all the edges connected by electricity. Then I heard the words “free energy” or “free electricity.” I can’t remember which one. Could it mean that it is going to be announced that we are either going to have free electricity or greatly reduced electricity bills? Or does it mean that pyramids can give us free electricity? I created this picture to show what I saw.

2. Fake News
 It came to my mind that fake news is what could be referred to in the Bible as the false prophet.

False: is another meaning for fake.

Prophet: is someone who gives news for now or for in the future.

Once the fake news has completely gone then true news that benefits humanity will only be left. Will a number of major and small news media outlets shut down soon? Where it says the beast and the false prophet gets thrown in the fire may well mean when the system (beast) is no more, the system and the fake news will both be gone.

3. Who Is W.H.O?
With President Trump stopping funding to the W.H.O. something hit me. The World Health Organization has recently said in a video about going into houses and taking people out of them who have the virus. That right there is absurd. It made me question their existence. Are they really about health or is the “health” part a fictitious part in their title? If people are self isolating like they were told to do, why drag them out of their homes? It doesn’t add up.

Then a thought came to me. There’s the World “Health” Organization, the W.H.O. right? Who do people go to see if they have bad health? A doctor. If you put it together what have you got? Doctor Who. Then I wondered, because of the way the W.H.O. are behaving, is their organization really fictitious or a front for something else, while the fictitious show Doctor Who is telling the truth? The reason I say this is because I was doing a search in youtube for “New Earth” because of what is happening around the world right now. The strange thing is this video from Doctor Who was the first thing to show up. Have a watch of this video.

The clip shows people who were infected with diseases and locked up. There were many people locked up in what was a human farm. It says what I have been saying concerning rescuing people in my “People Power Leaflet.” I wonder again if this is why the Archangel Michael showed up because of something hideously wrong happening on earth? Is this part of it too?

4. New Earth Forming?
On the 16th April 2020 I had a vision. I saw the ground change around me in the spirit dimension. This video is an example of what I saw but what I saw was the ground change from a dull colour to a colourful energy transformation and it spread.

It’s only the first 10 seconds of the video I want you to see as it was similar to what I saw happen.

Let’s see if anything said in this post shows up somewhere. It only took a few days for my other dream and vision to be confirmed.

“Like” my facebook page and when something else happens you will be able to know.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

"People Power" Leaflet Link

Thursday, 16 April 2020

UPDATE: WOW!!! Boxer Confirms My Posts

David Niño Rodriguez a heavyweight boxer from the USA confirmed similarities to what I had recently posted in a dream and a vision I had.

Before you listen to the video, on Saturday 11 April 2020 I shared my post called

"DREAM: Powerful Being Landed at an Airport"

In that dream I said Archangel Michael landed at an airport. This is what I wrote:

“Why would such a being like that come to the earth?”…Then words came to me that said there is something hideously wrong on earth.”

In the video listen to what Rodriguez says about Adrenochrome and how they get Adrenocrome from children. After you hear what he says about it go and research it for yourself. Is that the hideously wrong thing Michael came to earth to fight against or is the situation worse than that? 
Now possibly other well known people may come forward to tell us what has been happening for years.

Some of you are going to utterly hate some of the celebrities, politicians, sport stars and music artists you worship when you find out what has been going on.

On Monday, 13 April 2020 I posted

"The Awakening is An Incredible Invisible War"

I said from the vision, I saw that the soldiers were running into battle.

In the video Rodriguez says operations are going on now. Have you noticed that we are not hearing about these operations in the media? While Covid 19 is happening and taking the worlds focus, an invisible war is going on to rescue the trafficked children and adults and other situations that need to come to an end.

This video was uploaded on youtube on 15th April 2020. My dream and vision was posted BEFORE the video. My dream was posted on 11 April 2020 and my vision was posted on 13th April. Listen to what he says then reread my dream and vision I had.

This is the video

If you want to take part and be powerful from wherever you are, read and take part in what is written in the “People Power Leaflet.” YOU have more power than you realize. You have to use it.
Go to the bottom of the post at this link and read the “People Power Leaflet.”

Fix Society
UK Music Producer


DREAM: Powerful Being Landed at an Airport

The Awakening is an Incredible Invisible War

People Power Leaflet

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Out Of Shadows – Liz Crokin, Mike Smith, Brad Martin

At last a real documentary I can recommend.

To those who read my posts and who know I have been saying “Fix Society” since 2016, here is one of the greatest documentaries you will see to open your eyes to what is going on.

OUT_OF_SHADOWS_OFFICIAL from Out Of Shadows on Vimeo.


And for those who want to take part in affecting the psychological and spiritual atmosphere of this planet go to this link.

People Power

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

Monday, 13 April 2020

The Awakening is An Incredible Invisible War

I wasn’t going to post this but watch where this was leading to. I've now decided to share it. This happened in the last 2 weeks.

I was in my home. In the other dimension I heard someone say “Oh no.” They kept repeating it. I said who is this and what came back to me was that it is a god. This god was so sad. On or around the 31st March 2020 I could hear him say “Oh no.” This god is the evil entity that has been controlling this world. He has lost control of the world. Then I sensed that there was a good entity standing right beside him. It seemed as if this good entity came to arrest him or remove the evil entity from having power.

Then a couple of days later, all of a sudden I could see in the other dimension. What I saw was a spirit world army. I looked over my right shoulder and saw lots of beings standing ready for battle. I looked over my left shoulder and saw many more. A thought then came to me to look around and see if I could see the Predator being that showed up before to me. I looked around and then I saw him.

Then out of the blue these words were sent to my mind.

 “The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force.”

A violent war is happening in the kingdom of God, in other words, an invisible war is happening to free the minds of the human race. Your mind has to choose a side. Whichever side you choose connects to your mind. 

The battle is between

1) the continuation of control of the people by the corrupt
2) setting people free from that old system of control to be free.

7 days later on the 9th April 2020 the army that stood behind me appeared again. This time they stood there for a while. Then suddenly they just charged forward fast roaring into battle.

Can you imagine watching an army of beings in another dimension run past you?

Take a look at this clip. This is the best way I can explain it to you.

The army I saw ran much stronger than in the last clip. There were many of them and they charged forward like in this video.

The vision I saw was only of them charging forward. I didn’t see them fight.

And as you may have read already, one day later in my dream on the 10th April 2020 the Archangel Michael showed up.

Whether you believe me or not, I know what I saw.


I have seen some articles online that some people have committed suicide because of the lockdown and some suicide charities have been flooded with calls.

Some people pray as they believe praying can help.

If you want to take part in helping your mind be at peace and helping others find peace at this strange time, read the leaflet at the bottom of the “People Power” post at this link

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

Saturday, 11 April 2020

DREAM: Powerful Being Landed At an Airport

Before I tell you about the dream, I posted a blog with a downloadable leaflet called “People Power.”

The reason I posted that leaflet was because for a few days before that, I was given signs to write an “action meditation” for people to take part in to help rescue children and adults who are being trafficked and who are held underground and in other places by evil people and evil entities. But because I had written the “People Power” leaflet some months ago, but did not post it, I decided to post it now as it included the rescue of children and adults.

Just a few hours after I posted “People Power” I went to sleep.


This was the dream:

I was standing talking to someone outside the fence of what looked like a modified Farnborough Airport. 

I looked up in the sky to my left and saw two moons close together. Then I looked to my right and saw another two moons close together. I also saw a UFO in the sky but I cannot remember what it looked like.

Then a soldier came up to us and said, “You shouldn’t be here. You need to move along.” I noticed that he had a 2 foot long gun that was nothing like normal military use. Then a large group of soldiers came along with guns. I walked a little way from the fence where I was standing.

Next thing we all knew was that something had landed.

In the distance was a 20 foot tall gold human shaped powerful being. He landed inside Farnborough Airport right down the end of this road. In the dream the road was longer.

He could have been around 100 metres away from us but he was on the grounds of the airport.

I will now describe how his presence felt.

Think of standing up and looking down at an ant on the ground. That ant represented all the worlds army’s power put together. You standing there represents him. He generated so much incredible power that he could crush the worlds military with just one stamp on that ant.  

Now think of how it feels in 35 degrees C ( 95F) heat. You are standing with the military, who is supposed to protect you, but they have all lost hope and are all in fear as you stand with them, and you feel the same as they do. It was a horrific weakening fear.

That is how we all felt as this 20 foot gold being arrived. It felt like he didn’t care about human existence. We meant nothing to him. The weapons that the soldiers where carrying were not worth holding.

We all watched him as he walked slowly towards one of the hangars. As he walked at a slow pace he would sing something for three seconds then stop singing but continued walking. He would again sing for three seconds then stop singing for a moment then sing again then stop. He walked closer to the hangar then I woke up.


When I woke up I said to myself, “Why would such a being like that come to the earth?” No human was a match for him. Then words came to me that said there is something hideously wrong on earth.

I thought to myself, “I never ever want to know the name of that being” then instantly I was told his name. It was Michael the Archangel. It was as if he was wearing a metal not known to this world, gold armoured suit. 

It was made known to me that he showed up because I read and done what is mentioned in the “People Power” PDF leaflet. It was also made known to me that these beings come when they see us do something of real benefit to change outcomes. They answer and assist in genuine requests if they are needed to intervene. Most people won’t believe this until trouble comes their way and they start praying.

(NOTE: Angels and aliens are the same thing. Some are good some are evil. Some you can see with your eyes in our world, some are seen in visions and dreams and out of body experiences. There is a spirit dimension around our physical world that most people can’t see).

The dream I had felt so real that I can still feel the heat and the power from the dream that Michael radiated from his body go outwards through my eyes and my skin. His hot electrical like energy spread out far and wide from him and terrified everybody.

Why did I dream of the Farnborough Airport? I already have learnt about what has been talked about concerning Denver Airport, but Farnborough too?

We will see if something comes of this.

Go to the “People Power” post at this link and take part in reading parts 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the PDF leaflet to help rescue the trafficked and imprisoned children and adults.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

People Power - Take Action From Your Home

For the next few days take part in this.

Most people have been kept from the knowledge of using their inner energy for good.

You may feel the effects of using it within minutes.
You don’t even need to leave your home.

Take part in reading "People Power" on the hour for the next few days.

For example read this PDF at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm etc (in the morning, evening or night) for as many times as you wish to.

I suggest you download "People Power" just in case you lose access to the internet so you can still read it and take part.

There’s a lot going on around the world.

Read and download the “People Power” Leaflet at this link
(Read page 2 first then page 1 at the link)

Share this post so more people around the world can take part in it.


UPDATE: I had a dream hours after I posted "People Power - Take Action From Your Home."

You can read the dream "Powerful Being Landed at an Airport" at this link:

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

People Power Leaflet

Your energy, frequency and vibration has power in the universe. We are in the universe. Use your power.

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