Wednesday, 30 October 2019
New Moon Brings New Happiness and Peace
Monday, 28 October 2019
Bruce Lee said "Be Water" - Something is Happening
Saturday, 19 October 2019
No Straight Person or Infant Should Be Harassed By a Member of the LGBT Community
The line has been crossed.
“how are you... all right?”
to my friend and then I went to the bar to get a drink. I was a couple of yards away from where they were talking.
“I’m all right too you know.”
“I’m going outside for a smoke.”
“Don’t go I was just joking,”
but my friend walked off.
If I didn’t have this experience I would not have known how disrespectful someone from the LGBT community could be when they were unprovoked.
During the time that this was going on I came across something on twitter which puts babies and infants in danger. Paedophiles are being approved by a gay doctor to join the LGBT community.
That gay doctor believes that there are no lines.
A person replied on twitter saying,
"This crosses a line that should never, ever be crossed. If we normalize this we will get to a very bad place."
The gay doctor responded with,
"I am a scientist and a liberal. I do not believe there are such lines."
Isn’t anyone disgusted about this?
I don’t harass lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals or transsexuals. So why cannot infants and I get respect?
One of the worst things for a member of the LGBT community to do is aggravate or harass a person who is peaceful. You’ll turn peace into your worst nightmare because even peaceful people have their limits.
I was going to end this post here but then I saw the hash-tag #lgbtqtakeover
LGBTQ community you have all the alternative sexual preferences except straight. Are you planning on taking over the world from straight people?
Why are you starting a war with straight people, especially the ones who have not been troubling you?
LGBTQ community, your people have lit the fire. Put the fire out.
Why can you not just live in peace as there are a lot of straight people who wish you no harm? We just want to get on with our lives, but now this mess? Straight people and infants are not safe from your community? REALLY?
Years ago there was a song by the Manic Street Preachers. The words are,
“If you tolerate this then your children will be next.”
Friday, 11 October 2019
My Dream Comes True in 5 Days in California?
Tuesday, 8 October 2019
Turn Around Time 9102019
Sunday, 6 October 2019
DREAM: My Street Was On Fire
I said, “Oh no! Someone must have called the fire brigade.”
Then from looking at that fire I turned and looked up the road and a different neighbours roof was on fire. Then I looked across the road and saw that some houses were on fire.
Then I thought, “They must already be busy somewhere else.”
I went outside and had a look to see if the house I was in was on fire on the outside. It wasn’t. No fire on the roof or anywhere on this house, but the houses either side of mine had some fire on different parts of the buildings.
It looked similar to this cheese wire but black and with handles like this.
I had a sense that these LEO’S were walking round the neighbourhood killing who they could who survived the fires.
The LEO’S didn’t come to the house where I was. It seemed like they just went killing the people whose houses were on fire. The people had to leave their burning houses and come outside. That’s how the LEO’S could get them easily. While the LEO’S were busy killing people with the cheese wire thing, I went out of the back of the house and escaped.
Tuesday, 1 October 2019
New Message from the Eternal Light - What an EXPERIENCE!
[UPDATED/Added 31 January 2024
I felt the spirit tell me to add an experience that I had that relates to this post. I had this vision some time after I made this post.
What happened was, as I sat with the Eternal Life and the Son a transparent dome came from behind then over us and over what was before us. On the outside of the dome were the fallen angels and the humans who did not change their lives (refurbish/ turn away from the evil they were doing). If they changed then the humans outside the dome could have come inside. Why would the Eternal Life allow inside murderers who murder for pleasure (not self defence) to continue killing, liars who ruin lives on purpose to continue to lie, etc, into a place where people who used to do that have stopped it so they can now live a better life? He won't. That is why there has to be a separation so there is a place for peace for the people who want to have fun and live in harmony. END OF UPDATE]
This is not something I was going to share as it could make me sound crazy, but I shared it anyway. If it helps someone then it was worth typing all this out.
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