Sunday, 3 July 2016

Wales Do The Impossible - Red Dragon Rises?

As crazy as this sounds, after the first picture I posted on facebook that made me think about the red dragon and ancient text, I decided to have a look what it was talking about. When I started reading it it mentioned a woman wearing a crown of 12 stars. I instantly thought “The EU flag has 12 stars.” Coincidence? Wales and the red dragon doing so well at Euro 2016 at the same time Europe is facing its first major disruption in its existence?

Then I carried on reading and it mentions the red dragon and his crew were cast to earth from somewhere in the universe after they had a punch up with other off world creatures. They were thrown down to the earth. I then instantly thought of the picture I posted a few days earlier called, “Is Hollywood Preparing Us for the Unthinkable?” That picture and post was about Hollywood movies promoting creatures coming to earth.

As far-fetched as it may seem about the dragon and his buddies coming to earth take a listen to this video. Decide for yourself.

In the semi finals of Euro 2016 Wales take on Portugal. On paper, with the stars Portugal has, Wales should not win. But will they? We will see.


UPDATE See what I found with the game Wales vs Portugal. You're not going to believe this. CLICK HERE

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