Saturday, 23 July 2016

Significant Events At Final 4 Euro 2016 Countries? I Hope I’m Wrong

When I heard about the shooting in Germany (22/07/2016) on the news an alarm bell went off in my head. I remembered that France recently had a truck incident (14/07/2016) that killed people too.

What are the chances of 2 out of the 4 finalist’s countries having terrible attacks not long after Euro 2016 ended on 10/07/2016?

Could significant events happen in either Portugal or Wales? 

Wales is fairly quiet on the world stage so I can’t see no real event causing that nation to be in the news, or will something else bring attention to that country, the country of the red dragon?

The only thing I can think about concerning Portugal is the missing child Madeleine Mccann who disappeared in 2007. Will she reappear safe and well or will there be something else happen that puts Portugal in the news?

Unless all this is more coincidences could we be about to see the other two countries having an unexpected impact in the news?

We’ll just have to wait and see.

On a final note, concerning the shooting in Germany 9 people were killed and 16 were injured. Could these numbers come up again at some point?

Out of curiosity I checked what Apocalypse Chapter 9 verse 16 said. It actually falls in line with my other posts about what the German and Portuguese flags meant. That verse says:

"I was told the number of the mounted troops: it was two hundred million."

The area where these troops, mentioned in Apocalypse 9:16, come from is around the area where ISIS is right now.

Fix Society

***UPDATE: The numbers 9 and 16 did show up again. Click Here***

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