Saturday, 9 July 2016

Unbelievable! You Can't Make This Stuff Up - Germany 0 France 2

I decided to have a sneaky peak at what the French and German flags meant. I didn't expect any meaning could be found like in my last posts. I was surprised again.

I started to read what the French flag meant. There were more than one interpretation to the blue, white and red.

This is a popular interpretation I saw:

“Blue symbolizes Saint Martin (Martin of Tours), a Christian saint with a shrine in Paris. Red symbolizes Saint Denis, a martyr and saint who was the Bishop of Paris. White symbolizes the Virgin Mary.”

What caught my attention was the part of the Virgin Mary.

In one of my previous posts I mentioned the woman with the 12 stars on her head. In the ancient text she is pregnant and in pain then has a son. That child gets taken up to God and to his throne. The dragon wanted to kill the child but he couldn't get the chance to.

The woman in Apocalypse 12 looks like it is the Virgin Mary represented by the white part of the French flag.

Just to recap, Portugal and Wales represent the red dragon. See that post for more information.


Germany couldn't possibly have any significance right? I was surprised again!

In the ancient text the red dragon is said to hunt after the woman who gave birth to the child. The woman was given two wings of an eagle so she could escape. If you look on the German team’s football shirt, what is on the badge? An eagle!

 This is an alternative meaning used for the German flag:

Black Stripe: From darkness

Red Stripe: Through blood

Gold Stripe: Into the light

That pretty much sums up what the world seems to be about to go through. From darkness, through blood, into the light.

Portugal and Wales represent the red dragon, and France and Germany represent the woman who escaped from the dragon.

All these coincidences couldn't work with just any team.

Make of this what you wish.
I’m just writing what I came across.


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