Friday, 8 July 2016

The Weirdness Continues Portugal 2 – 0 Wales

When Wales lost to Portugal in the semi finals of Euro 2016 I thought the weird coincidences had come to an end. Out of curiosity I had a look to see the meaning behind the Portuguese flag. Low and behold, I was back on the path to unexpected coincidences.

On the Portuguese flag it has seven castles. In that same chapter in the ancient text about the red dragon it mentions that the dragon had seven heads.  That made me think, 

“Who lives in castles? Kings. What would they wear? Crowns.” 

That makes sense right? Seven heads for seven kings in seven castles.

In the ancient text (Apocalypse Chapter 12) it showed that the seven headed, ten crown wearing dragon doesn't have things all his own way. It does say he goes out to make war on the earth against certain people and he chases the woman who had the 12 stars on her head. She escapes.

There is a more disturbing part of the Portuguese flag when linked to the red dragon. The majority of the colour on the flag is red which represents “the blood of the nation.” The green in the flag represents hope.

Why I started on this journey was because I heard “dragon” mentioned a few times in Euro 2016. Here is one of the times.

In this clip I think the question the reporter asks Gareth Bale is a bit odd. He asks,

 “Where do you get your motivation to play every game on the highest level on earth?”

On earth? What other planet does he play on?

Gareth replies, “The dragon on my shirt. That’s all I need.”

I’ll leave it there for now unless something related comes up.

K Stone
Fix Society

UPDATE If you think what you have just read is a coincidence, the final will probably stun you. Read what happened with Portugal vs France CLICK HERE

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