Friday, 1 July 2016

Are The Media and Politicians Playing Games With Us All?

Something I noticed before the Brexit vote, Nigel Farage said, 

“Let June 23rd go down in our history as our Independence Day.”

And as if by magic, the new movie called “Independence Day” was advertised to be released on… you guessed it, 23rd June 2016 in the UK. (How often do you hear of a new movie being released on a Thursday?) See video. 

What happened on June 23rd? The UK voted out of the EU and the “new” UK’s Independence Day became 23rd June (unofficially).

As the movie is called “Independence Day: Resurgence” I checked out what resurgence means.

Cambridge Dictionary:


“a new increase of activity or interest in a particular subject or idea that had been forgotten for some time:

“The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.

You can’t make this stuff up.

The most popular Independence Day is that of the USA. What movie could possibly come out on Independence Day in the USA or using that day as the timing of their movie release?

Take a look at the video

If the media world and the political world are playing games with the public and really know the outcome of things, then the movies promoted on the USA’s 4th July (and possibly the UK’S IP Day) may be a sign of similar things to come.

After the Brexit vote racism in the UK rose within days. It may not be as extreme as the Purge movie, but this kind of thing may increase in the USA and UK if people allow politics to divide people who were once at peace with each other. The foundation of society seems to be crumbling. Is it time to Fix Society?


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