Sunday, 7 October 2018

Women Are Concerned About The Treatment of Men by Women

Women are concerned about the treatment of men by women.

I was sent this picture by a male who said he thought of me straight away when he saw it because of what I have been saying.
A concerned woman made this post

 It’s got to the point where some women are now worried about the treatment that men could get by false claims by other females.

In this video a female ruined two male students’ futures in college because she made a false rape claim. The male students were facing 20 YEARS behind bars.

The biggest problem with lying claims made by females is that it HARMS THE GENUINE CASES of females who really have been raped. If this carries on then it’s highly likely hardly any females with genuine cases will be believed.

In this video these four women are talking about a 6ft tall man who spent 5 years in the army but who would not retaliate to  domestic abuse he suffered from his girlfriend.

With an increase in rape claims made by women in the news, it is rarely mentioned that there are violent females who do cruel things to men.

In this video a man talks about his female partner pouring boiling water over him and hitting him with a hammer.

The man stated that she said he didn’t tell her often enough that he loved her and he didn’t instigate the physical side of the relationship. The man said the justification for her behaviour was, because he did not do these things, she said he made her feel unattractive.

This made me think of the females who dress “provocatively” in instagram pictures who dress that way for likes or some kind of approval from men. They post those types of pictures to be looked at and to get responses. But in REAL LIFE, some females would call a male a "pervert" for looking at them in the seductive clothing they are wearing out at a club or even out at a shopping mall.
So that leaves these females searching for approval of being attractive and loved in a PICTURE by hundreds or thousands of males liking the picture but, in some cases, some females don’t want to be looked at that way in REAL LIFE. Who wins? Nobody.

The reason I made this post is because of the first picture I received...

...and because I saw this post on facebook.

Within two days this post received 1.2 thousand reactions and over 900 comments. Why? Because this is a recurring problem for males. Maybe some of the things I posted in this blog are why some males are giving up and others commit suicide?

Genuine females and males who are going through things need to be able to speak to someone who will listen so they can find a solution that they are in need of. I have created a pamphlet to help the mental health of males and females. You can see the info at this link Reclaim Your Life - Free Download.

What we need in this world now promoted in the media is Relationship Power. We’ve had “girl power” for a number of years but that needs to change now to Relationship Power

If you think that this is an important message, share this post. 

I have created a t-shirt. The ones who are going to change the world are us so either we can sit back and do nothing and continue to complain, or support and share what others and I are doing to make a difference.

UPDATE: 22 September 2023


Go get a copy of my book called "Revealed At Last." Yes I wrote a book and it is perfect for this time in history.

Go to this link to get the book and see more information.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

Keep listening to my Fix Society mini album so the words can help you out when needed. Go to this link

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