Saturday, 27 October 2018

Coping When Someone Dies - FREE Download

This year I have spoken to a number of people who have had people close to them pass away.
The recurring thing I heard them say is that there has been no-one to make sense of what was happening.

One day in 2018 I visited my mother’s grave. There was a lady sitting on the grave of her son who was buried this year. The lady was talking to her son who had died.
I stopped to speak to the lady, as she was close to my mothers grave. She said she didn’t know how to cope. We talked for a while then she left feeling a little better.

A few weeks later I saw the same lady in town. She looked at a loss. I walked up to her and said to her if she remembered me. She looked confused and then remembered. She was waiting for her daughter to arrive. I could see when we were talking that she was still badly affected by the loss of her son.

When her daughter turned up we spoke for a little while longer. As I was about to leave she was so grateful that I took the time out to stop and talk to her.

As I looked around at the people walking by, it made me think about all the other people who are suffering because someone has died.  They walk pass us every day and we just don’t know what they are going through.

The lady made me feel as if I had to get a pamphlet written to help her and others who need an idea on how to cope.

Click on this link to read and download the free pamphlet. (After you click on the link you will have to scroll down as the file has 2 pages)

What is in the pamphlet is what I have experienced and also learnt from how others have felt. The point of this pamphlet is to help people through this dark confusing time when a loved one has died.

Feel free to download it and share it. 

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