Monday, 5 March 2018


This is insane! 
After you see this video you have no choice but to realise this world has CHANGED!

In my post that I made just 2 DAYS AGO I mentioned the replicas. The replicas are human looking created beings that do not have souls.

To really make sense of what you are about to see, read my previous post before reading this one that explains about the replicas. Click on the link to read “What’s Happening on Earth? Explanation Found For Another Crazy Dream.

This is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

I was on youtube looking for things about 5G when I came across this video. Watch the video.

Do you realise what they are saying in this video? For them to be promoting these designer replicas means that they have ALREADY tested them and ALREADY perfected them and they are ALREADY walking among us!!! For those in the know, clones and replicas are old news, but for most of the world’s population this is unthinkable and brand new.

This is NOT and can in NO WAY BE human technology. This is an implant to be put in the back of the persons neck to record every memory about them and put it in a different human looking replica which they call “Sleeves.” When I heard the name “Sleeves” I instantly thought “slaves.” Why? Because my theory is, once you have duplicated a person’s existence, the chances are you can manipulate it and add whatever you want to it, for example, AN ALIEN SPIRIT like in the previous post I shared. 

Just like how our computers and devices get upgrades, what are the chances of one of the Sleeves being upgraded and takes over your will so you no longer have any control over the body you would posses? It has all your memories, but like demon possession, you no longer have 100% control.

Another example of the Sleeves and the recorded implant is your mobile phone. All you do is take out the sim card and put it into a better phone or a lesser phone. All the information on the sim card goes with it but the new phone could do far more than the old one and override anything already on the sim card.

In my last post I posted a capture from the show “Electric Dreams – The Father Thing.” This is the picture of a meteor shower that represented the aliens coming to earth in the show.

The day after I posted that blog I saw a video that a news team recorded. After doing my own research a few people were claiming they were seagulls in the sky but many people did not buy the seagull explanation. I saw the seagulls’ footage in a different video but the seagulls did not fly like what the news team captured. Having said that, this may be a hoax created by the news team to get public reaction.

So with all that said, the visual falls in line with synchronicities I've previously had. Even the tails of the meteors in the picture above are like what is in the video. Here is the news video that was posted on 28th Feb 2018.

All what is happening now have been in dreams I have had over 13 years ago. I did not understand the dreams as I did not believe in aliens at all back then. From what I remember from those dreams and what is happening now, I am not worried at all as they could not harm me as I defeated them easily.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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