Saturday, 17 March 2018

"Alien Possession Caught On Camera?" Synchronicity Again! See Video

Video is down below

I am only sharing this video because my dreams, thoughts, the news, TV shows and movies seem to follow what I say without me even looking for it.

I was on youtube and saw someone who I am subscribed to post a new video. When I checked again the video was removed but I don’t know why so I searched if anyone else had posted it.

Whether this is real or fake, it falls in line with the things I have been saying recently. The date on the video is 2/9/2017. So that is either 2nd September 2017 (UK date) or February 9th 2017 (USA date). Either way, the point of this post is that the video has shown up at exactly the right time for synchronicity to happen with the things I have been saying in my recent blog posts.

In my post called “What’s Happening On Earth? Explanation Found For Another Crazy Dream?” I mentioned that I watched a TV show called Electric Dreams - The Father Thing.”

In that TV show it showed a father who parked his car in the garage. The son began to walk towards the garage to meet his father but the son then saw a flashing white light coming from the garage. When the son looked through the window he saw a light-looking-entity that seemed as if it was trying to posses the boy’s father.

What some aliens/demons are, are spirit beings. They need bodies to go into whether human or animal.

This is the video I recently saw.

In the video it looks eerily similar to what is in the "Electric Dreams - The Father Thing" program.

Read the post I shared on the 3rd March 2018 about what has been revealed recently called "What's Happening On Earth? Explanation Found For Another Crazy Dream."

We are at some strange time in history. Things are happening now!

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

Keep an eye on my future posts as Facebook is highly unlikely going to notify you when a new one is posted. 

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