Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Alexa Freaks People Out By Laughing Unexpectedly

If you have been reading my previous posts you will know that I have been mentioning Alexa Echo etc for a while now.

I have seen that from 7th March 2018 there have been reports about Alexa putting fear into people by laughing to responses and laughing without being prompted.

I heard in one report that said no-one in a home requested anything from Alexa and it randomly switched on and began to list funeral homes and cemetery’s unprompted. Of all things, why randomly switch on and list something that is associated with death? 

At the end of this video Jimmy Kimmel does a skit with what is supposed to be Alexa. It is more than likely not Alexa but something for entertainment value, but listen to what the Alexa actress is saying in the skit.

She says,

“Humans are a fragile species who have no idea what’s coming next. ha ha ha ha…”

When you watch the video press pause to read what people have put on twitter of what happened to their device.

There have also been reports of Alexa not responding when asked to do something.

Can you imagine if Alexa was linked up to your lights, like in some homes, and the device decided to flash the lights on and off fast and did not stop? And on top of that add some spooky sounds and strange voices. You’d have a poltergeist  type scenario going on in your home just because you have one of these devices.

I posted a dream on 24th Feb 2018. Alexa laughing was reported, as far as I can see, from the 7th March 2018. That’s 11 days AFTER I had my dream.

In my dream a spaceship reduced in size, flew through the window and landed on the floor. It was about the size of one of those Echo devices. Then I heard these words come from it in a male’s voice. It said

“I have some bad news”

Is all this another coincidence? Yet again I have had a dream and something shows up within a short space of time.

Is there far greater technology inside these home command devices that are more harmful than good for you? 

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

Keep an eye on my future posts as Facebook is highly unlikely going to notify you when a new one is posted. 

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