Saturday, 24 March 2018

DREAM Boxer Anthony Joshua and the Gold Object

On 20th March 2018 I had a dream.

In the dream I was walking through this luxurious expensive building with the boxer Anthony Joshua and about 4 or more other men. Anthony Joshua looked annoyed. We were all walking fast with him in front. 

While I was walking with the group I noticed in my hands appeared this golden object that I have never seen before. I sensed that it was a gift to me from the spirit world. I carried on walking with it in my hands.  It was the shape and size of a standard cereal box but had a slant at one end and 2 pedals. The whole object and the pedals were pure gold.

Both pedals seemed like they were car accelerator pedals (gas pedals in the USA).

I tried to create in this picture what I was holding. This is the closest I could make it look like from the dream.


After that happened I walked with them for a few moments, then I was somewhere else and not with the group anymore. 

I then saw a friend who I have not seen for over 8 months. He walked over to me from where he was at. He was walking from where a heavy goods vehicle was. 

The side of it was open and it looked like it had black tubing related to electricity I guess. I don't know what it was but it was something to do with him. He said to me,

You don’t have to worry about money anymore.”

He went on to explain that he was left an inheritance. In the inheritance, he was left either a new type of internet, or a new website on the internet that was worth millions or billions. Whatever it was that was left to him was worth an incredible amount of money.

After that I woke up.


 When I went to look for a picture on google of Anthony Joshua for my post I just saw that he has a fight coming up on the 31st March. I never knew he was going to be fighting soon.

I don’t know what this dream means at the moment but with all of my dreams that I post, something usually shows up.

If anyone has any idea what that gold object is let me know.
Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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