Can you imagine having
crazy dreams and unexpected signs of what happened in the dream show up within days?
Here we go again…
Just TWO DAYS later on
Monday 26th Feb I switched the TV on for the first time that day
about 8pm. I looked on the channel called “Film 4” to see what films were
coming on but there was an advert for a different channel. It showed an advert
for “Electric Dreams - The Father Thing.” I thought it looked interesting and
it started in just 2 hours at 10pm.
I have never heard of
the “Electric Dreams” series before. They seem to do a number of different
Here is where things
line up with my dream I posted on the 24th Feb.
If you remember in my
dream I mention an orange spiral portal.
This is a capture of
what was at the beginning of the Electric Dreams show.
It looks like a spiral
portal and what looks like CERN’s collider.
I said in my dream the
orange portal was amongst the trees.
Later on in Electric Dreams this is a
capture of what was amongst the trees.
The orange coloured pods
had replicas of humans that were scattered amongst the trees on the ground.
Earlier on in the show
there was a meteor shower. The meteor shower seemed to represent aliens coming down to
What one alien did was go inside the father of a boy, removed his
father out of the body and took over his father’s body or a replica of it.
When the boy realized
that this was not his father and he could not have feelings for this replica,
it reminded me of the song I posted in my dream. The song I heard in my dream is called “Real
Love.” The boy wanted real love from his real father not from someone/something that looked like his father.
This bodily takeover did
not just happen to the boy’s father but other people in the town were saying
people they know had changed and they did not know why.
To prove that I had the
dream two days before seeing this show, here is the channel 4 info for it. You can see
it says
“First shown 26th Feb 2018."
That’s two days after my dream.
You can also see the
description that channel 4 gave. It says
“The world is under
attack as aliens quietly invade our homes.”
When I read that I
thought about what I said after my dream. I mentioned about those hockey puck speaking
devices [Alexa, Echo] in people’s homes. Channel 4 says “quietly invade our
homes.” In my dream I said the spaceship got smaller and smaller, came through
the window and into my home (invade my home).
As I have mentioned the
spaceship, days later I randomly watched a movie that I did not expect to
watch. It is called “Blade Runner 2049.” I watched that on the 1st
March 2018.
I thought, because of
the title, it would be a fast action movie. Far from it. It’s almost no action
at all. It tells the story about how “replicas” of controllable obedient life
forms that looked just like humans were created to carry out duties. At the end
of their duties they were “retired” (killed). Some replicas did not want to be “retired”
so they hid. They look and think just like humans but they don’t have souls.
The movie seemed to be promoting the idea that replicas could be living amongst us and we
would probably not know they are not human unless they told us.
These created replicas,
which in my opinion, I believe they exist, would be perfect hosts for the
meteor shower of aliens to inhabit.
What I noticed also in Blade Runner 2049 was the spaceships they flew in. They flew throughout the city as if
it was normal.
Look at the design of
it. It is exactly the same design as I saw in my dream. It has a body and two
arm like things at either side at the front.
This is a picture of the spaceship from above in the film. How often do you see this design?
This is my attempt at trying to create what I saw in my dream
(I created this before I saw Blade Runner 2049)
Also what happened in
the film was one of the spaceships flew in through the window of a high rise building. I
said the spaceship in my dream flew through the window too of which I was in an apartment about 8 storeys up.
At the beginning of Electric Dreams they show what I have been talking about for some time. Human
looking robots.
It shows a robot with a
human face.
I just remembered. I
also watched 2 other films this week. “S. Darko” (which the last 40 minutes was
shockingly terrible and the movie should have never been released) and “Kingsman:
The Golden Circle” (which was brilliant). Out of these 2 random movies I chose
to watch, they both mentioned Virginia and West Virginia in the USA. No idea
why Virginia was mentioned in both movies. Maybe it means something maybe it doesn't.
There you have it. My
dream was revealed in less than 7 days. You make your decision for yourself if
my dreams and what came about are coincidences.
My dreams may well be
showing what is happening right now. If they are, who would openly tell you?
The government? The news? Looks like the movies and shows are, but you are not going
to believe them if they tell you what is happening?
The next time a
meteor shower is mentioned on the news may mean “more” are coming to earth.
Fix Society
UK Music Producer
The dream for this post is at this link
an eye on my future posts as Facebook is
highly unlikely going to notify you when a new one is posted.