Saturday, 1 July 2017

The Day I Grew Wings Like Angels PART 2

On the 30th June 2017 I again begin to communicate in that place in the universe where I flew to. Before I say what else happened I want to first tell you what I can sense even though I cannot see anything.

This picture will help you see what I can sense.

Either side are long rows of crowds of beings (people or angels - I don't know who or what). They were the ones who were cheering me as I entered through the large doors. I am standing on the path in the middle. Ahead of me in the distance about 50 metres away is where the being is that I was speaking to.

Now, I will continue with what happened on the 30th June.

I said to him

“Who are you? I don’t even know who I am talking to.”

The voice said

“I am your Higher Self.”

I said

“If you are my Higher Self then that means I can come to where you are standing.”

To help me, it seems like I was granted to see him displayed as a light. I could not see any arms or legs or head. He was like the light shape of the flame of a candle but more straight and narrow. At a guess I would say the light was around 6.5 ft to 7ft tall. Space and time and size doesn't seem to matter there so I am just making what I saw easier to understand.

I walked the 50 metres towards my Higher Self. When I reached I stood at his right hand side. Then I heard the crowd cheering again.

As I stood beside him I said

“I need help for a problem that is in my mind.”

My Higher Self took what I could sense was his hand and put it on the top of my head. I began to slowly inhale. I could feel from my feet that I was filling upwards with the light that came from my Higher Self’s hand. As I was slowly inhaling the light filled right up to the top of my head. When I exhaled I knew that the filling up of light was complete.  Afterwards I said 
“Thank you.”

Then I stood beside my Higher Self. It's gone silent again.


It has been around 24 hours since I asked my Higher Self for help for the problem I had in my mind, and now there are no signs of the problem.

I do feel different. I feel like everything has become new. It feels like a new beginning and I have the curiosity of a child.


UPDATE Amazing Synchronicity! Just 24 hours later and some similarities to the things I have mentioned appeared in Doctor Who. CLICK HERE to read "Shocking Dr Who Synchronicity in 24 hours"
UK Music Producer
There are 3 main parts to "The Day I Grew Wings Like Angels." Click on this link for Part 3.

Download the “Fix Society EP” by K STONE – Click Logo

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