Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Shocking Dr Who Synchronicity in 24 hours


On Sunday 2nd July I was sent an email from a person in the USA who read my posts about “The Day I Grew Wings Like Angels.”

I was told that they watched the latest Doctor Who episode and saw synchronicities with my recent post.

Later Sunday evening I decided to watch that episode (It was first aired on Saturday 1st July). I did see a few similar things that I experienced but the one that shocked me was right at the end.

In my post about “The Day I Grew Wings Like Angels Part 2” I mentioned that I met my Higher Self and was talking with him.

In Doctor Who the Doctor meets the original Doctor Who and they speak to each other. The Doctor was talking to his higher original self.

How can all this be a coincidence?

I had no idea what was coming on Doctor Who. The timing of appearing a day later after my experience has left me wondering what is happening.

Another thing is, I do feel a sense of dying imminently. Whether it's my time to die or it's another experience, I don't know.  

Maybe I have done everything I needed to do in this world. 

Whether I live or die now, I have done my part. People need to do their part.


UPDATE New synchronicity again with the movie Jupiter Ascending. Click here to read.

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UK Music Producer

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