Thursday, 13 July 2017

COINCIDENCE? Jupiter In The News Just 7 Days After I Mention It

 Seven days AFTER my post about Jupiter Ascending, Jupiter is in the news. Another coincidence?

I logged into Facebook (13th July 2017) and I was surprised to see what was in the trending section. Jupiter was in the list of the top 3.

I then clicked on that link. I saw this picture.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot

How can it be that I write about my experiences and mention Jupiter and 7 days later it’s in mainstream consciousness? 

This is not the first time something I have said has come to light before most people were thinking about it. 

What is interesting is the picture (above) that NASA released and what I saw in the movie Jupiter Ascending. The picture that NASA took is of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. I have never heard of it until now.

According to what I have just read scientists have said, Jupiter is a gaseous place and is not solid like earth.

The Atlantic post dated 12th July 2017 on twitter says “The Closest-Ever Shot of the Great Red Spot.”

 According to part of a quick summary about the movie Jupiter Ascending said this:

“Before they arrive, Jupiter’s family is taken hostage by Balem and moved to his refinery on the planet Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

 Jupiter Ascending was released on 6th February 2015 two years BEFORE what The Atlantic said was the closest ever shot of the red spot.

The following two pictures are screen captures I took of what the movie Jupiter Ascending displayed as the Great Red Spot. I did not know what it was until I saw NASA'S picture.

 Has Hollywood had years of advanced knowledge of Jupiter before the mass population gets it?

Why all this Jupiter connection within seven days? I spoke about it before it happened in the mainstream. 

When I grew those big white wings and flew for hours, did I reach Jupiter, or even Jupiter’s Great Red Spot?

This all started with my post The Day I Grew Wings Like AngelsClick Here to read.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer


NEW POST Click Here for "The Day I Grew Wings Like Angels PART 3"

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