Thursday, 6 July 2017

Simply Amazing - Are Aliens Trying To Get Our Attention Again?

The amount of synchronicity in this film and my life over the past week or so, left me speechless.

On 5th July 2017 I was thinking about all the strange things that had happened recently. Then from out of nowhere I heard the words “Jupiter Ascending.” I wondered what that was and then remembered it is a film. I looked at the time and rushed to go and buy the DVD before the shop shut.

I bought the DVD on the 5th July but something was stopping me from watching it until after midnight. I watched it on the 6th July just after midnight.

Here is where everything starts to go crazy.

 1. Jupiter Jones was taken off the earth and ended up at a place in the universe. When she was there she was called “Your Majesty.” She wondered why as on earth her job was cleaning toilets.

 In that place in the universe she was told by non humans that she owned the earth.

ME: When I flew to that place in the universe I was told I was a chief (ruler, overlord).
2. After Jupiter put on a wedding dress she walked up some steps and entered this big hall. The entrance was ARCHED.

There were people lined in rows on her left and her right. As she entered the people started cheering.

ME: When I flew to the place in the universe, I walked up some steps and walked through ARCHED doors. As I walked in people started cheering for me on either side.

3. From where Jupiter stood at the entrance she had to travel around 50 metres to stand up at the front.

ME: What I experienced, I said I had to walk around 50 metres to where my Higher Self stood at the front.

4. Jupiter Jones is the star of the film.

ME: Last weekend I visited the home of a family called Jones for the FIRST TIME four days before I heard the words that made me go out and buy this film. I'm surprised that Jupiter’s last name is Jones.

5. The character who in the end goes out to rescue Jupiter Jones and her relatives is called Caine Wise. He has boots that can make him fly. He is also known as Mr Wise.

ME: About two weeks before I bought the film I was with a relative of the Jones family who jokingly said to me 3 times “Are you Solomon?” This is because Solomon was wise (Mr Wise).

6. Right at the end after Mr Wise rescued Jupiter and her relatives, Mr Wise and Jupiter were talking on the roof of a building. He removed his coat and wings appeared from behind him. 

He had to earn his wings to get them back, which he did. Throughout the film he did NOT have wings.

ME: In my post days ago about when I was researching information on wings, I posted a picture that had spoken about having to earn ones wings.

 7. Mr Wise shows how big his wings are and wraps them around Jupiter Jones.

ME: When I grew my wings I said they could wrap around 4-5 people.

8. I contacted the Jones family in the morning of the 6th July and asked if the name Jupiter meant anything to them. THAT VERY SAME DAY in the afternoon one of the children was in class and the teacher decided to teach them about the planets and Jupiter was mentioned.

How can all this be a coincidence?

If I never had my growing wings experience and flying into the universe, the movie Jupiter Ascending would make no sense to me. But to me, now it is understandable.

The beings in the universe are gently letting us know of their existence. I believe some are good and some are evil. I did ask my Higher Self, "What are all of you?" He said they are the Watchers. They watch us on earth.

We cannot possibly believe we are the only beings in the universe. Look up in the sky at night and see the millions of lights. There has to be other beings out there. 

This world is in need of changing. 

Have the ET's been giving the film industry the knowledge of their worlds to create such imagery that we see in these big budget movies? 

I believe the truth about non human beings is being shown in films.

Watch Jupiter Ascending for yourself and compare it with my true experiences.

It all started with my post “The Day I Grew Wings Like AngelsClick here for part 1
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