Saturday, 27 February 2021

Look What Happened 3 Days After My Washington DC Dream


On 20th February 2021 I shared a dream I had about being at a place that looked like the White House.

I mentioned that bombs went off outside the building and a man with a machine gun wearing camouflage uniform was there.


I recently received this screen capture.



The words at the top say:


“Every media station lied this morning and said this was fog. No folks, this is smoke coming up from the underworld below DC.”


Below that, a person wrote,


“Why so much smoke in DC?”


Then there are pictures dated on 23rd February 2021 beginning at 4:34 am.


Beneath the pictures appear the words,


“Bombs away !”


In my dream I mentioned bombs going off outside the building that seemed like the White House and I also mentioned George Bush senior and George Bush junior. In the dream I could see the smoke going up from when the bombs went off and it looks similar to what is in the pictures.


You can read the whole dream that I shared 3 days before the event in Washington DC happened at this link.


As always, I just say what I see. It looks like just 3 days later and part of my dream has come true. Who would have expected that?


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