Sunday, 14 February 2021

DREAM: Life As We Know It Crumbles To Begin Freedom?


This is the short version of a dream I had on 14th February 2021.


I was in a house that was nearby, in walking distance, from the Farnborough Airport.

Across the road from the house was an old 30-40ft red brick chimney. The old chimney wasn’t on top of a house but built from the ground up.

 As I looked at it I thought it didn’t look safe. Then the chimney crumbled and crashed to the ground and spread out into the street. There was panic and people were running. I saw a man pick up a child and put him in the back of a van then tried to drive away. I didn’t know if it was his child or not. The road became chaos as no-one was following the rules of driving. Two cars were jostling side by side to drive down the same single lane road.  A car drove too fast and couldn’t stop in time and hit another car.


I was then outside where the chimney once stood talking to a person who I didn’t know. We were talking about how people were panicking even though there was no need to panic as the chimney had already fallen. (I realize now that panic is contagious and some people were running even though they did not know why).


Then I said to the people in the street that there is no need to panic as it has already fallen. Then people stopped panicking.


I was then inside a house and could hear a TV news channel talking about the fallen chimney.


Then I woke up. ---


While awake I kept on getting alternating images in my mind of the chimney and what looked like the Washington Monument. They both kept interchanging for a while in my mind.

Then it was revealed to me that the falling of the chimney represented the impotence of the US government and all governments who have a similar monument represented in their country. Have their governments become weak and have crumbled?

In London England one of these monuments is called Cleopatra’s Needle.


Then it came to my mind that the crumbling and falling of the old chimney means freedom. Freedom for who? People around the world? Has a shift in the atmosphere taken place now?


This is only a dream.


With the current state of the world right now it looks like more freedoms are being taken away in many countries. To post this dream about freedom does not fit in with what is happening at this time. Is something going to change at any moment to bring about unexpected freedom? Some nations are crumbling.


I’m just putting this out there in case something significant comes to light.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


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