Sunday, 28 February 2021

Super Bowl 2021 Revealed Supernatural Mysteries and the GOAT?



I noticed something significant when I checked out the names of the teams of Super Bowl LV.

I did this last year too.


Final Score


Kansas City Chiefs  9 – 31 Tampa Bay Buccaneers


Because Kansas returned again in 2021 it makes it easier to see that the interpretation about Kansas from last year was right.


Check this out from what I wrote about the meaning of that teams name.


Posted a year ago on Monday 10th February 2020 after Super Bowl LIV




FEB 2020


Now for the Kansas City Chiefs says,


“The Kansas River was named by the French after the Kansas, Omaha, Kaw, Osage and Dakota Sioux Indian word "KaNze" meaning, in the Kansas language "south wind.”


Kansas means South Wind.


I did a search and found that south wind is in the Bible. Firstly read these verses and then I will interpret them to what synchronicity they have today.


“Luke 12


55 And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass.


56 Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?


57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?


58 When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate, as thou art in the way, give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison.


59 I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.”


To break those verses down, their meaning for this time in history is this:


Verse 55: The South Wind has blown = Kansas City Chiefs winning was the sign for change to begin.


(Interestingly, I mentioned on Facebook that I kept seeing the number 55 show up recently. Maybe 55 in this case means South Wind, Kansas. Also as I type this the UK is getting battered with strong winds by Storm Ciara. The wind is pounding against my window right now, and I'm in the south of England.)


Verse 56: “Hypocrites, can’t you see what is happening around the world at this time?” Take a look at this video that shows unexpected signs happening around the world.


(Video in original post at this link

Verse 57
:  “Can’t you think for yourself and judge what is right in your daily life in your City?”  = There are people reading this who have morals and can be the Chief of their own life. Stand for what is right instead of letting disgracefully wrong people get away with what they are doing. If you don’t speak up, support those that do.


Verse 58: It’s time to make plea bargains crooks, guilty celebrities and guilty rich people because some of you are going to prison.  


Verse 59: Many who are guilty are not getting out of prison until they have done some time behind bars. Some will even die in prison. 


The south wind has blown and the Kansas City Chiefs winning the Super Bowl was that sign.


Notice it says Chiefs and not Chief. Who are these Chiefs? Local people who are all over the world, who have some morals, can become the Chiefs; the ones who affect their City.



CUT back to the present year


FEB 2021


All that written above was said before the lockdowns took place in the majority of the world.

Even now you can see it became correct when I said in Feb 2020 before the lockdowns that people should become the chief of their own life, and look what has been happening? People made their own decision to wear a mask or not wear a mask. Take the vaccine or not take the vaccine. Stay at home and obey the orders to stay in, or go out wherever and whenever you chose to. That right there is becoming the chief of your life and making your own decisions regardless what the government told you to do.

The south wind to me looks like it represents the coronavirus hype spreading across the world like a wind blowing throughout the planet.


Even me reading this back a year on feels pretty spooky by how correct the Super Bowl interpretation was. So now we have all become chiefs of our lives.



Now for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 



When researching about the name Buccaneers this stood out in a search engine.


“During the seventeenth century, sea raiders known as buccaneers controlled the CaribbeanBuccaneers were not pirates but privateers, licensed to attack the Spanish by the governments of England, France, and Holland.


Another link said,


“Buccaneers were a kind of privateers or free sailors peculiar to the Caribbean Sea during the 17th and 18th centuries.


So I started to see a pattern forming.


1. It says the Buccaneers were not pirates but privateers.


2. Buccaneers were licensed by England, France and Holland.


3. A Privateer seems to me like its equivalent term in our day could mean a private company working for the government of a country.


4. Buccaneers were said to mainly be located around the Caribbean Sea.


So at a glance, that means private companies working on behalf of a number of governments had their focus around the Caribbean Sea? Where is Epstein’s Island? Caribbean Sea. Were people from England, France or Holland on Epstein’s flight log, or visited the island? That’s up to you to find out.


Don’t get mad at me. I didn’t choose who plays in the Super Bowl. I just say what I see. The name Buccaneer lead me down this path. 


Link that up to the interpretation of what I gave about the Kansas City Chiefs. Does this mean something is going to be revealed about that whole terrible situation on Epstein’s Island and its affects across the world in time to come?



This time around for Super Bowl LV, I never watched it. I had no interest in watching it this year. I don’t know why.


I found out that it had the lowest viewing figures since 2007.


On the day of the Super Bowl I was on twitter and "G.O.A.T" and "Tom Brady" were trending.


That’s when I realized the Buccaneers had won.


There were so many "G.O.A.T." tweets that all of a sudden it came to my mind that they could be talking about the Goat of Mendes without realizing.


Tom Brady cannot be the "Greatest Of All Time." He can be the greatest of his generation but not of all time. In my opinion they are just invoking and acknowledging the Goat of Mendes who has been around for all time.


 Did the Goat of Mendes allow Brady to get so much success, and, at what cost?


Some of you may be wondering, "Who the hell is the Goat of Mendes?"


“They” make movies knowing that you will not believe what you see. Some of you have heard about the odd carry on’s that some celebs have been into.


This old movie shows you what goes on at one of those gatherings.


Here is the mention of the Goat.



This is the trailer for the movie. This movie came on in the afternoon on mainstream TV some years ago.



I was watching a youtuber who puts up random stuff and in one clip it said that an ex NFL player said this years Super Bowl half time show was satanic. The man who said that played for the Chiefs and his name is Larry Johnson.


If you thought that the video clips I showed you of the goat was crazy and that I am crazy, then why are sports and entertainment stars promoting a goat? They have been doing this for years. Do your own searches about it.


I also saw this tweet made by Johnson.

And to end, this is my own experience when I met the Goat that sat on a throne.  Years later I was told to put my experience to music.

 Here it is.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


K STONE on Facebook 



This is the link for the full Super Bowl 2020 interpretation

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Look What Happened 3 Days After My Washington DC Dream


On 20th February 2021 I shared a dream I had about being at a place that looked like the White House.

I mentioned that bombs went off outside the building and a man with a machine gun wearing camouflage uniform was there.


I recently received this screen capture.



The words at the top say:


“Every media station lied this morning and said this was fog. No folks, this is smoke coming up from the underworld below DC.”


Below that, a person wrote,


“Why so much smoke in DC?”


Then there are pictures dated on 23rd February 2021 beginning at 4:34 am.


Beneath the pictures appear the words,


“Bombs away !”


In my dream I mentioned bombs going off outside the building that seemed like the White House and I also mentioned George Bush senior and George Bush junior. In the dream I could see the smoke going up from when the bombs went off and it looks similar to what is in the pictures.


You can read the whole dream that I shared 3 days before the event in Washington DC happened at this link.


As always, I just say what I see. It looks like just 3 days later and part of my dream has come true. Who would have expected that?


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


K STONE on Facebook



Saturday, 20 February 2021

DREAM: 2 Presidents And The Bombs


I had a dream on the 20th February 2021. I was wearing an expensive suit and standing next to a man who I knew in the dream but not in real life. I’ve never seen him in real life before.


We were in this luxurious building standing talking. A security guard came over to us and said everyone has taken their seats and there are none left.


The man who I was standing with said that’s not a problem, we will go through here.


We walked forward and the door opened. I walked through first. I walked into what I can only describe as a royal box like where the queen sits when she is watching entertainment in a theatre.


When I walked into the “royal  box” everyone in the building looked up at me. Inside the royal box were important people sitting there. They turned around to look at me.


To my surprise at the end of the row closest to me were two former US Presidents who both looked at me.


With everyone focused on me I thought, 

“What have I just walked into?” 

Within me I felt as if I was about to burst out laughing. You know how your nose flares when you are trying not to laugh? Well that is what I was doing. I kept my composure and did not burst out laughing.


As the royal box had important people inside it I realised that the TV cameras were pointing in our direction. The crowd then faced away from me.


The two Presidents were George Bush senior and George Bush junior. At that point I realized in the dream that I was in the USA.


Then Bush senior got his finger and prodded me in the abdomen to get my attention and he said,


“I don’t know who you are, I don’t know how you got to be in here, but because you are in here there must have been thorough checks done on you, and whoever has allowed you in here has approved you to be in here.” 

He said other words too. He seemed to not like it that I was there, but there was a power that was above him that allowed me to be there and he had no power or authority to make me leave. Then he turned and faced forward. Everyone in the audience and on the balcony where the royal box was were now facing elsewhere and not looking at me anymore.


Time passed by in an instant. (In the dream it was as if it cut out what was in the hall so I couldn’t see what was taking place). Time just passed as I stood their next to the man I knew. The “show” then finished so I made my way out of the royal box and into the lobby.


As I walked through the lobby there were a group of about four men sitting down who were wearing suits. One of the men stopped me and said hello. He looked like what people describe as a preppy kind of Yale student but he was wearing a suit.


He said to me, 

“I saw you in the royal box (he said the right name of that section but I can’t remember it now). Well done for getting in there. It was good to see a bit of colour in that box for a change.”

We had a short conversation then I left.


I began looking for the exit.


I saw a soldier wearing camouflage uniform with a machine gun. He was there as security I believe because all those affluent people were attending the building. I asked him where the exit is.


As he was about to respond we could see outside the building that bombs went off. There was a rush of activity. I made it outside the building. I wasn’t afraid or flustered by the commotion. I saw a number of explosions outside away from the building. I walked out the gate and magically appeared back in my home town in England.


I was still wearing the suit. I saw two men punching each other in the face as they were fighting. They were up at the top of town outside Milano’s Pizza takeaway.  I said to them,


“Why are you fighting? Can’t you hear the bombs?”


They stopped fighting. The three of us looked far down the road and could see bombs going off in the distance. The two men then left together and jogged towards where the bombs were going off.


Then I woke up. -------------


The interpretation I got for the two men fighting was that people are fighting over petty things while their local community is being destroyed. It seems interchangeable with real bombs going off but also the social destruction that is happening because of what the government is causing.


The door opening in the luxurious building and being not known at one moment and then going through the door and being  among the “highest level of society” in the next moment could be a sign that something like that could well happen? Possibly. Maybe it was a sign. I’m not fazed by celebrities. They are just people.


Why I saw Bush senior and Bush junior I have no idea right now.


Why did bombs go off not far outside that luxurious building? The building could have been the White House in the dream. I'm not sure. Maybe the bombs represent society being destroyed outside of the affluent circles? Or does it mean actual bombs are going to go off at some point?


Maybe there is a different meaning that will be revealed?


Lets see if anything comes of this dream like with the last one.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


 K STONE on Facebook



Monday, 15 February 2021

UPDATE: Look What Came Up 18 Hours After My Dream



18 hours ago I posted my dream.

Now I see on youtube that the video below was posted on the official HBO Max channel 16 hours ago. I posted my dream 2 hours before this video was uploaded.


First watch the short trailer and then continue reading.


Zack Snyder's Justice League.


In the video BRUCE WAYNE says

"I had a dream. Almost like a premonition..."



"My lord. This world will fall."


In my dream the chimney fell which represented the countries of the world with the obelisk type monument falling.




"You said the age of heroes would never come again."


BRUCE WAYNE says to Wonder Woman

"It will. It has to."


People need to stand up like heroes and not panic like I mentioned in my dream.




"We live in a society where honour is a distant memory."

 Some hours earlier I posted the picture that says,

"I'd rather have an enemy that admits they hate me, instead of a friend who secretly puts me down."

There’s no honour there.

It’s at this link

Make your own mind up if this is a coincidence or prophetic sign of things happening now or things to come.

My dream is at this link

Fix Society


UK Music Producer


K STONE on Facebook


Sunday, 14 February 2021

DREAM: Life As We Know It Crumbles To Begin Freedom?


This is the short version of a dream I had on 14th February 2021.


I was in a house that was nearby, in walking distance, from the Farnborough Airport.

Across the road from the house was an old 30-40ft red brick chimney. The old chimney wasn’t on top of a house but built from the ground up.

 As I looked at it I thought it didn’t look safe. Then the chimney crumbled and crashed to the ground and spread out into the street. There was panic and people were running. I saw a man pick up a child and put him in the back of a van then tried to drive away. I didn’t know if it was his child or not. The road became chaos as no-one was following the rules of driving. Two cars were jostling side by side to drive down the same single lane road.  A car drove too fast and couldn’t stop in time and hit another car.


I was then outside where the chimney once stood talking to a person who I didn’t know. We were talking about how people were panicking even though there was no need to panic as the chimney had already fallen. (I realize now that panic is contagious and some people were running even though they did not know why).


Then I said to the people in the street that there is no need to panic as it has already fallen. Then people stopped panicking.


I was then inside a house and could hear a TV news channel talking about the fallen chimney.


Then I woke up. ---


While awake I kept on getting alternating images in my mind of the chimney and what looked like the Washington Monument. They both kept interchanging for a while in my mind.

Then it was revealed to me that the falling of the chimney represented the impotence of the US government and all governments who have a similar monument represented in their country. Have their governments become weak and have crumbled?

In London England one of these monuments is called Cleopatra’s Needle.


Then it came to my mind that the crumbling and falling of the old chimney means freedom. Freedom for who? People around the world? Has a shift in the atmosphere taken place now?


This is only a dream.


With the current state of the world right now it looks like more freedoms are being taken away in many countries. To post this dream about freedom does not fit in with what is happening at this time. Is something going to change at any moment to bring about unexpected freedom? Some nations are crumbling.


I’m just putting this out there in case something significant comes to light.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


K STONE on Facebook



My Books Are Back On Amazon

  My books on amazon Chapter 5 of  "This Love Is Real" has shocked people. This Love is Real...