Monday, 28 December 2020

Water Fountain Vision Update


This is an update on the vision I saw.

On 21st December I wrote this on Facebook:


On December 21st 2020 as I was in my home, all of a sudden I could see in the other dimension. I saw a pure white marble looking water fountain. Its design was similar to the picture. It was about 5 metres wide. I could see nothing else just this fountain. Everywhere else was white. It was made known to me that it was inside a palace.
I was then directed to go up to the fountain and put my hand in the water. I did (with my other dimension body). Then I heard the words “fountain of youth.”
I stood there for a while and then the vision ended.
I was not going to share this vision but I was given multiple signs to, so here it is. If it means something we will see.
Fix Society



 I have numerous visions and dreams but the majority I don’t post online.


I posted the vision above in a Facebook group to see if anyone had any idea what it was about. This was put in a comment.


The explanation was great as I never knew any of this.

The fountain represents an opening which is a connection to eternity. The water represents eternity. I put my hand in the water. So has this tunnel or connection opened up now? I need to see something happen to believe it.


As I was reading the picture I saw it mentioned "ambrosia." I didn't know what it meant so I looked it up.


There are a few meanings. Here are two.


1. "Ambrosia literally means "immortality" in Greek"


2. "Ambrosia definition: In Greek mythology, ambrosia is the food of the gods."


What is also interesting is that the conjunction on 21st was with Jupiter and Saturn... the same day as my vision. These are both names of gods - Zeus (Jupiter) and Cronus (Saturn).


I then checked and realized from the 20th December I decided to have rice pudding for the first time in months, maybe over a year. I have no idea why, but I ended up having rice pudding on the 20th and 21st Dec.


The brand of rice pudding I was eating is called "Ambrosia."




It keeps coming to my mind that the water fountain I saw is on Jupiter. If I am right, then the fountain of youth is there.

Six days before the water fountain vision happen I posted my latest video called I Exist I Exist. It’s at this link

Maybe this is all connected.

I’ll have to work out what this all means. The answer is probably staring right at me but I can’t see it yet.


It would be good if something special happened right about now so I can say clearly what this all means.


Fix Society



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