Monday, 21 December 2020

Are We Part of A Movie Script?


I’ve seen so much this year that I haven’t wrote about. Situations have lined up to the things I have shared in the past.


I’m not going to write them all out. Just look at the last 2 weeks.


1. A respected ex Israeli general comes out and says ET’s exist and Trump knows about it and was going to reveal it but they stopped him. (IN OTHER WORDS THEY JUST OFFICIALLY DISCLOSED THAT NON HUMAN BEINGS EXIST)




2. A tweet by Mike Pence - 18th Dec 2020

 “It was my honor to announce today, that the men and women of Space Force will be known as GUARDIANS”


 So within days of each other we get to know that non humans exist and, to bring the Space Force back into the public’s consciousness, these people are to be called Guardians. 




3. The movie Songbird gets released in December. It’s about a new strain of covid. I mentioned about this movie in November.


And surprise surprise within days of Songbird being released…


4. Prime Minister Boris Johnson says there is a new strain of covid in ENGLAND!


This is where Boris messed up. He should have said a new strain from China. That would have been more believable. 

So where and how did this new strain mutate? And why did it begin in England? Is it time to turn up the game and use 5G on the public for Boris to then say "I told you so?" This all makes no sense unless...


With the release of Songbird and Boris’ “new covid strain” declaration days later, it’s like those in power are saying,


“Tell the stupid humans what we are doing through movies. Then make them argue and hate each other over masks vs no masks, black people vs white people, pro vaccine takers vs anti vaxxers. Lets cancel their Christmas too and see what they do. They will still do what we tell them to do.”


So between the start of covid to now, they claim the “number of cases escalated” and a new strain is “here?” This means wearing masks and social distancing don’t work. And so far the vaccines don’t work either. Do they already have an alternative to the vaccine prepared ready to be revealed?


And to top it all off, the similarities with what has been revealed from numbers 1-4 are in the movie that I have talked about for some years now, “The 5th Wave.”


According to what the government has said, we have had the first wave, second wave (I don’t know if they have talked about a third or fourth wave), but the fifth wave according to the movie is when people realise that those who are now in power are against the public. The public fighting back is the fifth wave.

Now that London and parts of the south of England are on lockdown I have seen a report that some European countries are closing the door on UK travel to their country.

What also has been reported today (20th Dec) which seems odd is that Saudi Arabia are closing all land and sea ports. Why?


Is this going to become a trend and everyone around the world are locked down in their own countries for some time?

As long as people start to wake up and think for themselves, they are at an advantage.

This all seems like we are all part of a movie script. 

Fix Society


UK Music Producer


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