Thursday, 5 November 2020

Prediction Came True - Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night 2020

On the 17th October 2020 a thought came to me that turned out to be a prediction.


I wrote on Facebook:


“With 2020 being a highly unusual year, I wonder if the "powers that be" will use October 31st (Halloween) to drop some unexpected shocking information, or, something significant happens then;
or on 5th November, Guy Fawkes night.


2 weeks later and my words came true for people living in England.


On the day of Halloween Boris Johnson announced that England will be going into a second lockdown on the day of Guy Fawkes Night.


No one saw that coming. Why would the start of a new lockdown begin on a Thursday and not a Monday? Why are they using notable dates to deliver information that are not good for the public? What notable dates are coming up next? Will future notable dates be used for information or an event?


The most notable dates I can think of right now are:


11th Nov - Remembrance Day

 The US Thanks Giving Day

 24th Dec - Christmas Eve

 25th Dec - Christmas Day

 26th Dec - Boxing Day

 31st Dec - New Years Eve

 1 Jan - New Years Day


There may be other important dates that are specific to different countries that I don’t know about. Could those dates be used for something too if this trend continues?


I’m not saying anything is going to happen on these days but if they do, why are the powers that be using familiar dates? Have they used Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night to shift the perspective or the energy of what those days have represented over the years?

 All I am doing is saying what I see.

 If something happens on any of these future dates or not we will see.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer



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