Monday, 20 July 2020

Men Going Their Own Way - MGTOW

I have always been pro men and women getting along. Nothing will change that.

I was having a conversation with a lady the other day and she mentioned her sadness of men becoming “MGTOW.” I had no idea what that was. Pronounced “mig-tow” means, Men Going Their Own Way. I found out that this referred to straight men who are still straight but have given up on marriage and relationships.

I remember seeing a post by a woman asking why men have given up on relationships. One man said he got tired of his partner watching Eastenders (a soap opera) and her reenacting what was in the show into their relationship, so he left. If I recall correctly Eastenders is a soap opera fueled by arguments.

In this video a woman says:

“Its no surprise that men started going their own way. And again, if I was a man right now in western society I would be extremely extremely afraid to get a woman pregnant, I would be afraid to marry a woman, I would be afraid to commit to a woman in any way shape or form.”

I saw an episode of “Housewives of Atlanta” some time ago. I remember that they were a horrible bunch of aggressive bullies, who were black women. I do feel sorry for the black women who are nothing like the women in that show. When TV shows like that are shown over and over it psychologically makes people believe that is how all black women are. I do believe shows like this are the cause of why there are a lot of single black women. The silent majority are suffering because of the loud raucous few that are on that housewives show.


I’m not saying that all men are wonderful and innocent. There are some who are trash like there are some women who behave like trash too.


[PAUSE: Some relationships are working out well too. Keep living that good relationship if you are in one. MGTOW is not for everyone]


MGTOW from what I have seen is about guys who tried to do the right thing but all they got was being treated like they were nothing. Those guys who never hit their women and tried to fulfill all they asked but what the man did was never good enough.

What was the straw that broke the camel’s back?

1. Beyonce making women believe how much “you don’t need him.”

2. The metoo movement. While there were legitimate cases, it was as if all men were now all bad. There was an actress, I can’t remember her name, who made up false claims and was saying “metoo” also. When the truth came out, she was the violent one treating the man terribly and punching him and he didn’t retaliate.

The female I was having a conversation with was concerned about getting older and not being able to find a partner because of what society has done to the good men who are staying away from committed relationships.

The TV programs and songs that have attacked men have caused a number of men to find happiness without commitment. 

While doing research on the MGTOW movement I watched a video that said it would be Western men, e.g. from living in the UK and USA, leaving westernized women and leaving their country to go where there is none of the westernized feminist aggression towards men. It’s not that these men are weak. If these men did defend themselves or hit women back when they have been punched or burnt with an iron or had their finger cut off, it would be the man that would be seen as the aggressor. So these men are leaving and finding freedom with different nationalities of women away from the UK, USA etc.

Now the tables have turned. The likelihood now for single women to be with a man, she is the one who will have to approach and talk to the man she is interested in, even if the female is shy. 

And if he decides to, he will either work towards a relationship or remain doing his own thing with who he wants when he wants. This is just how the world has become. Metoo, Beyonce and all the other male hating media have created this situation.

See this 2 minute video

Women, now you've heard the video, you will understand why some men will not approach or speak to you first. Women like the one in the video have almost ruined it for good women.
I've worked out that for women who would never approach a man before, you are the ones who now have to do the approaching and start a conversation.
In as little as 24 hours things could dramatically change for you. 
 Try it and let me know if it worked for you.

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