Saturday, 11 July 2020

July’s Planet Parade and Eclipse Signals the Beginning of the End of the Illuminati?

July’s Planet Parade and Eclipse Signals the Beginning of the End of the Illuminati?

Another unexpected revelation has come to me.

A few days ago I kept on hearing in my mind the name “Angelina Jolie.” It made no sense to me. Then it came to my mind that I had to watch Tomb Raider with Angelina staring in it. I watched the second one first as I thought the reason would be in that movie. It was interesting but, no. A couple days later I decided to watch the very first Tomb Raider. In this one was what I was supposed to see.  

Keep reading and you’ll see why this movie could well have been made to tell us that the secret society called the Illuminati was going to lose its dominance over the world at a specific time in history.

You may say “its only a movie” but I have noticed a number of times that these script writers don’t care about hiding things and they are telling people what’s happening or planned to happen. They know the majority of people will not believe what they are being shown. I would have missed the recent planetary alignment and the movie’s significance too if I ignored the signs about Angelina Jolie. She is a name to watch out for from this moment on I feel.

There are major spoiler alerts coming.

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (2001)

This is a 40 second clip of Tomb Raider.

Here’s a list of some things that happened in the film:

1. In Venice Italy the Illuminati were all sitting in a room talking about the beginning of a significant planetary alignment.

2. They wanted to find out the location of two pieces of a triangle and a key. They were running out of time to find them.

3. One of the Illuminati's searchers of the key said he was working on clues based on ancient cosmological models predating Aristotle.

4. They needed the key in time for the alignment. One of the men said they had a single opportunity to retrieve the two halves of the triangle. (Remember the triangle). If they fail they would have to wait another 5000 years. The 15th May was the first day of the alignment in the movie.

5. Also what was to take place at the planetary alignment was an eclipse.

6. The alignment of the planets activates the triangle. The  eclipse duration was used to change an event that happened previously.

7. Lara Croft said her father told her of a “magical triangle stamped with the All Seeing Eye. He said it gave its possessor extraordinary power… he called it the Triangle of Light.”
(Pause a minute. In our real world, The All Seeing Eye is in a number of countries and is on the US dollar bill. Does the triangle really have some kind of power? It would make sense if it did because it is almost everywhere)

8. In the movie Lara’s father said the triangle gave its possessor a power that could be used for GOOD or evil. “The ABUSE OF THE POWER led to destruction of the ancient city that had the triangle.”

9. Lara’s father said, “A secret society known as the Illuminati… devious dangerous men, who seek to fulfill an ancient prophecy.” He said Lara had to prevent the Illuminati from getting the triangle and fulfilling the prophecy.

10. Lara does not like the secret society. She does what she needs to do to stop the Illuminati having control of the triangle.

The End… of the movie summary.


Now for what happened less than 7 days ago is the same as in the film.

a. The planets aligned (planet parade) on the 4th July. The planets in our solar system all lined up on one side of the sun. This alignment will not happen again until 141 years later in 2161.

In Tomb Raider the planets had to line up at a specific time.

b. There was an eclipse on the 4th/5th July 2020.

In the film there was an eclipse culminating the planetary alignment.

c. On they said, “Sunday, July 5 all night : Full Moon, Jupiter and Saturn form a triangle.”

In the movie it mentioned the triangle a number of times. The triangle was formed on July 5th 2020 by the full moon and the 2 planets.

Is this all a coincidence? a. b. and c. all happened within hours of each other.

Planetary alignments and moon phases are significant. I remember listening to a man who was in the Illuminati called Bill Shnoebelen who said human sacrifices take place all around the world on every full moon of the year.

With 2020 already an unprecedented crazy year, could the planetary alignment have signaled the beginning of the end of the Illuminati if they didn’t do what they were supposed to do at this eclipse? Did they fail?
 I wasn’t thinking of Tomb Raider or Lara Croft at all. Why did this movie come to my attention?

With Ghislaine Maxwell due in court soon, is she the real life representation of Lara Croft to bring an end to the famous celebrities and businessmen and businesswomen who belong to the secret society? Will more people who know about the hideous things that have been going on come out and tell the public of their experiences?

Remember what was said in the film in number 8.
8. In the movie Lara’s father said the triangle gave its possessor a power that could be used for GOOD or evil. “The ABUSE OF THE POWER led to destruction of the ancient city that had the triangle.” This reminds me of my Club of Babylon post.

Have the Illuminati abused the power of the triangle and not used it for good?

Here is something that showed up today. If this is true which it could be, a man speaks out. He had experiences with Epstein and worked for a while for Rihanna.


Its all happening now. The planets aligned. Is Ghislaine Maxwell the one to end the dominance of the Illuminati?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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