Saturday, 14 November 2020

DREAM: Black Sky and the Alien Visitation


I had a dream on 14th November 2020.


It’s not one I wanted to share but again I was given signs to. If it means something one day like some of my other dreams and visions, then we will see.


The dream starts off with me outside looking up in the sky. All the lights of the sky were not shining. No moon light and no stars lighting the sky.


I then walked into a house and said to the people inside that the sky had been turned off. They thought I meant Sky TV & Sky internet Broadband. I said,


“No. Outside all the lights in the sky are off. They turned off the sky.”


I then went back outside. I looked up at the black sky. Suddenly I saw a circle of light fly towards the house and then hover over the house. I went back inside the house and said,


“A strange UFO, light portal thing is hovering above the house.” 


I walked outside first and then about 4 other people who were in the house followed behind me.


All off a sudden I could see some cartoon figures down the end of the path.


I said,


“Oh right. Its not real. They are projecting cartoon figures.”


I wasn’t impressed by what looked like a lame attempt by “the powers that be” making it look like an alien invasion. Then as I walked closer to what seemed like a screen where the cartoon characters were projected on, one of the cartoon people stepped out of the screen and became a 3 dimensional being. I was shocked watching this cartoon character step out and become real.

 He stepped out first then a female cartoon character stepped out and then a shorter one about 2-3 foot tall followed. There were about 5 of these cartoon beings there.

 Then the male one in front started walking towards me slowly but boldly with no fear. I was curious and cautious because I have never seen a cartoon being come to life. He stretched his hand towards me and said,


“I know you’re God. I know you’re God.”


His voice was calm and smooth like velvet. That’s the best way I could explain it. As he shook my hand I felt like a rubber glove texture as I shook his hand. His hand was strong. He didn’t squeeze my hand hard when he shook it but I could feel his hand had a far greater strength than humans have.


As he shook my hand and said “I know you’re God, I know you’re God,” it felt so strange that I woke up right at that moment.


End of Dream---


When I woke up I thought that this could represent, after a black out, beings from another dimension would be revealed to us.

The part where he said, "You are God, You are God," I felt that he was talking about more people not just me.


I don’t know what the dream means.


We’ll just have to wait and see if something comes of this.


I’ve just checked the moon phase and it is going to be a new moon on the 15th November UK time 05:07am. At the time of writing, it is the 14th November 2020.  When it is a new moon the moon will be black as it begins a new month cycle. Maybe that’s the first significant sign of the dream? Maybe not.

We’ll just have to wait and see if something else happens.

 Keep an eye out. You may notice something that I don’t see. Keep looking up at the sky when you can.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer






Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Do We Really Have A Choice?

 Whether you believe in the writings of Nostradamus, the Bible, Hopi prophecies or any other text, most state an outcome that has been decided already. How we get to the next stage however, can come through a number of options.


For example, this is Dr Strange searching for possible outcomes of what was going to take place regardless of what the fighters did. He looked into the future and saw 14,000,605 outcomes from the same war they were going to take part in. They had no choice but to take part in the war. The outcome that wins is what was supposed to happen.


Does it matter who wins politically because what is supposed to take place will happen for this time in history? Does it matter who wins between Trump and Biden/Harris, because what is supposed to happen whether people like it or not will happen?


What if the recount says Trump had more votes but the human path in history has aligned Biden/Harris to win? Or what if Trump is declared the winner and he wins?

Both sides are still pushing for people to take a vaccine whoever wins. A virus that the majority of people recover from. For example, President Donald Trump and Prime Minister of England Boris Johnson BOTH had the virus and BOTH RECOVERED and no safe vaccine has been created yet. They are both aged in the vulnerable category. As of the 9th November 2020 I saw that they are saying that tests show of a vaccine that now has a 90% chance of success. Trump and Johnson have already recovered WITHOUT this vaccine.

The course of history, on a major scale, is not up to humans. The course has been documented by people hundreds of years ago. We just have to see who gets chosen to lead the next stage.


There are ancient texts that say there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars and on the earth. I do believe the Planet Parade on July 4th was a big sign, which I gave an interpretation for.


In this video it shows part of what has happened on earth this year. It falls in line with what was written hundreds of years ago.


The only real choice humans have it would seem, is to fix their own lives. After that, you affect people one way or another wherever you are and people affect you at times.


What I have been saying for years is Fix Society by fixing your life first. The bigger picture will play out like it is supposed to.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook


Thursday, 5 November 2020

Prediction Came True - Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night 2020

On the 17th October 2020 a thought came to me that turned out to be a prediction.


I wrote on Facebook:


“With 2020 being a highly unusual year, I wonder if the "powers that be" will use October 31st (Halloween) to drop some unexpected shocking information, or, something significant happens then;
or on 5th November, Guy Fawkes night.


2 weeks later and my words came true for people living in England.


On the day of Halloween Boris Johnson announced that England will be going into a second lockdown on the day of Guy Fawkes Night.


No one saw that coming. Why would the start of a new lockdown begin on a Thursday and not a Monday? Why are they using notable dates to deliver information that are not good for the public? What notable dates are coming up next? Will future notable dates be used for information or an event?


The most notable dates I can think of right now are:


11th Nov - Remembrance Day

 The US Thanks Giving Day

 24th Dec - Christmas Eve

 25th Dec - Christmas Day

 26th Dec - Boxing Day

 31st Dec - New Years Eve

 1 Jan - New Years Day


There may be other important dates that are specific to different countries that I don’t know about. Could those dates be used for something too if this trend continues?


I’m not saying anything is going to happen on these days but if they do, why are the powers that be using familiar dates? Have they used Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night to shift the perspective or the energy of what those days have represented over the years?

 All I am doing is saying what I see.

 If something happens on any of these future dates or not we will see.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer



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