Friday, 16 October 2020

Gone - "The Purge Is Here"


When trying to post my last blog called “Signs That Someone Cursed You –Reverse It,” I had contestant interference from being able to post it. Just as I was about to click “post” my internet went down for hours. (I cannot remember the last time my internet was down). When I got back online, Facebook kept on deleting the post even BEFORE I posted it. Every time I began writing the info about the post in the box, Facebook would close the box and delete what I typed. This has never happened before. They must be using AI to scan posts. I then had to quickly type something and add the link and press “post.”


Just after I posted that blog, a video came up on youtube called “The Purge Is Here.” This video was posted on the 15th October 2020 by the former boxer David Nino Rodriguez. So while I was writing my blog, the purge was taking place. I started writing my last blog about reversing the curse on the 14th October 2020.


David talks about the more well known youtube channels of people who share information. Their channels have been taken down in the last few days by youtube without warning. Some of these channels individually had well over 100,000 subscribers each. Something big is happening now. Listen to both of Davids videos. His video titled “October Surprise” is probably why all these youtube channels have been taken down.


Here are his two videos posted on 15th October 2020


Disclaimer: These are his views not mine.


“October Surprise”

 “The Purge Is Here”


 The very first time I heard about David was just after I posted my blog called “The Awakening Is an Incredible Invisible War.” I posted that on the 13th April 2020. 2020.


What I wrote and what he said back then were near on exact. I never knew of him and he probably has no idea who I am.


Find the truth out for yourself and don’t depend on anyone else. You have power inside you. Do your own research on the things I have shared. 


Today is the day of the October New Moon (16th October 2020). By the time of the November New Moon on the 14th, unexpected revelations are going to take place. Some may even shock the world.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer




Signs That Someone Cursed You - Reverse It



You may have been cursed by someone or an organization and not know it. 


Again I have been given this message from the other dimension. This message is for who it is supposed to reach.

With changes happening throughout 2020+ there are people who are to be released from curses now.


Just before we begin, here are two mentions of witchcraft through music.


In the track “It’s All About The Benjamin’s,” Lil Kim raps,


“Wanna bumble with the bee huh?

Throw a hex on a whole family.

Dressed in black like the omen.”


In Beenie Mans track called “Romie” he mentions a girl called Naomi.

The English translation of what he sings says,

 “I get to understand that the girl is a witchcraft worker/ 

She Obeah (done witchcraft) on her mother so she can take away her step father from her mother so Naomi can be with her step father.”


The truth is these things do work, but there are eternal consequences beyond death. It may even catch up with the person who benefits from the witchcraft and it turns into a negative in their life before they die. So if you are involved with it, it’s best to get out of it now.




Some signs of a person that is cursed are:


a. Nothing works out for them.

b. Relationships unexpectedly end.

c. Cannot fulfill things to completion.

d. Accidents happen.

e. Loss of business.


Even though these things do happen, some are caused by witchcraft by someone purposely targeting an individual or group of people.




This is what the other dimension showed me to share now.


The ones who are the easiest targets to be cursed are usually the kind hearted, passive, helpful, forgiving people who get spells done on them. These kind people are non offensive, non aggressive and peaceful which allows the spell caster to constantly target you knowing that you will not do something back to them.


Here is a list of some of the usual suspects who may have done witchcraft on you.


Grand Father

Grand Mother














Step Brother

Step Sister








Close friend

Best friend

Business Partner

Someone you know

Someone you don’t know who knows about you

A generational curse

Political Party

Company or organization

Non human entity 

 There is a reason I listed them out. You will see why shortly.


Because you may not know directly who has hindered your life with some kind of witchcraft you still can send that energy back to that person to receive the curse they sent to you. You are not cursing them, you are giving back to them their shit on them.


I am sharing all this info for free. When it works for you and your curse breaks remember me too. I’ve had to endure crazy situations to help you out.


As mentioned above, the people who are usually cursed are the nice people. For you to break out of your curse you need to change your energy. If you are sick of your situation and you are angry about it then that is good. That energy is beneficial. Use that passion and anger to return the evil back to the sender.

It’s usually the least likely of persons who you would never dream of cursing you are usually the one or ones that did it.


I know this will be hard for some of you nice people to do but realize this, you either use this method and see what result you get or, don’t do it and stay in the same situation you are in.




Return To Sender


If some or all of the people listed are innocent then no harm is returned to them. That energy is cleared. I have read the following myself so my enemies are now in trouble with the entities that have been returned on them.


Begin by saying,


“To the person or people and entities listed or not listed who have done witchcraft to me, fuck you and you have just received your spell back on you fully. What you took from me you have to pay back starting from today. If you refuse to pay back what you took from me, your witchcraft that is on you now will multiply on you each week. Contact me and pay me back financially for what you owe me. All health and other non financial witchcraft you sent has now fully returned on you and cannot leave you until you make amends. To the rest of you listed below who are innocent of any wrong doing to me, much love and respect to you.


 Grand Father

Grand Mother






Husband/ Wife






Step Brother

Step Sister








Close friend

Best friend

Business Partner

Someone I know

Someone I don’t know who knows about me

A generational curse

Political Party

Company or organization

Non Human Entity 

 Receive what is for you. 

The curse has returned to its sender and you cannot defend yourself against it. 

You are bound and cannot send that curse again.

I seal it and I am free by the power of the death sacrifice of Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

So be it."




For those who have done witchcraft to me it is now on you. To resolve the situation contact me through this link 


For everyone else, share this post on your social media page so it can be seen by someone who may have cursed you. Now that you have returned their curse back to them and they read it, don’t be surprised if you get contacted out of the blue by someone who wants to give you money or help you in some way.

Some of you may have been cursed by someone who has already passed away. Acknowledge the separation of the curse from off of you and that it has returned to sender.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


 UPDATE: I had problems getting to post this blog. See this link and also find out what's happening to popular youtube info channels in the post "Gone - The Purge Is Here."




Tuesday, 13 October 2020

A Sign In The Sky: Mars God of War

13th October 2020. Mars will be at its brightest.

Mars was the Roman God of War.

"Mars Ultor, translates in Latin to "Mars the Avenger".

 I never knew this was going to happen. I said in one of my posts about the 7 days to transformation and change. Mar’s brightness appears the day before my final day of the 7 days or repeating that ancient name I shared in my previous post.

 Transformation and change is going to kick-start sooner than you think.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer





Wednesday, 7 October 2020

7 DAYS To Realization and Transformation


I am putting this blog into 5 parts as I haven’t got the time to create separate blog posts.



 This is personal but if it works for you too, then good. This won’t work for my enemies.

 The reason I share this now is because I was shown something in a dream I had in September 2020.


The short version of the dream is that I was in a tall square stone building which looked like the colour of the pyramids in Egypt.  I was in there with a group of people. Then these giants came in to kill us. Just as a giant got close enough to me and the people, I repeatedly said “Yah-hey-yah-hey-yah.” Then the giants stopped. Then everyone joined in with me repeatedly saying Yah-hey-yah-hey-yah. The giants began to leave. Then one woman began pronouncing the name wrong so the giants turned back around and came towards us. I then got the woman to pronounce the name correctly, then the giants turned around and left. After the giants left the people celebrated and praised me for sharing that name. END OF DREAM.


“Yah-hey-yah-hey-yah.” This pronunciation was told to me by the other dimension over 15 years ago.

The spelling may be wrong but that’s how it is pronounced.

The interpretation I got means, “I exist I exist” and “I am that I am.


I believe the dream was giving me signs to share that name now. Maybe by it being pronounced it will break the spell that is over humanity.


If you are not an enemy of mine, say this name 4 times once a day for the next 7 days. If you are an enemy and you say it, it will have a bad effect on you.


For those who are not my enemy, see what happens after the 7 days. This is something personal for me but if it helps you out in some way too then that’s good.


The correct pronunciation is in the audio link at the end of this post.




On Sat 3rd October 2020 I walked past the DVD section in Morrisons. A film caught my eye. Later that day I searched for the trailer online.


Take a listen to this.


They really don’t care. They are telling you in your face. This movie was released in Russia in August 2019 BEFORE anyone had even heard of a pandemic. The DVD was released in Sept 2020 in the UK. The clip mentions people wearing masks and one person saying,


“You must know there is no epidemic, no infection.”


He also says,

“All this is just to cover for the authorities to justify taking anyone with a gift.”


 Earlier this year I mentioned in a blog that I had a dream of people who had supernatural gifts all meeting in a building.


The film is also about destroying a machine that kept the citizens on a lower frequency and took away peoples gifts. 

Earlier in 2020 I wrote about the sorcery that was put over humanity so the evil people could get away with what they do. That spell is going to be broken.

There is enough in the trailer that matches up with what we have had to go through this year. It even mentions boarders.


The movie is worth watching. See if you can see anything else I have shared in my blogs that appear in that movie. It’s called 

“Magical Adventures In The Forbidden City.”





I have been told that the information I have shared over the years has made some people into millionaires. If that is so, its time for those who I made wealthy, who benefited from me to give back the honour due.


There is that story of - teach a man to fish and he can feed himself. - Well that doesn’t go far enough. When a person has learnt how to fish and has received their abundance, they should also give back something to the person who taught them. That’s respect. So likewise, if you learnt or reaped from what I shared, give back to me also. And when you do, you open the door to reap again and give back again and continue the cycle. Forget how society is about just taking all the time. Give back to those who shared with you freely.





If you are someone who has what belongs to me you best give it back now. The time of you taking the piss is over. I have the Heptagram Ring and I have power over the demons so now you know, if you don’t give me what you have stolen or refused to give to me what belongs to me, you are calling the demons to you and I will not stop them. From what I have been through and what has been revealed to me in the last 2 months, I am the wrong person to fuck with.

I gave you long enough and I was peaceful and had the door open for you to do what was right but instead you stayed evil towards me. So now, fuck you.




There is a problem with most Lightworkers. Some of you are continuously encouraging evil people to keep being evil because you just forgive them to continue with more wickedness. These types of Lightworkers are the problem in society. Stop saying “love and light” to everyone and start standing up to people who are assholes.  

I have spoken to constantly nice people who suffer.  They let evil people continuously take advantage of them. Then they wonder why things are not good for them. It’s now for you in your own words to have the mindset against your enemies as, “fuck you.” Don’t let these lower vibe people treat you disrespectfully no more.




So for all those who are not my enemy, for the next 7 days say Yah-hey-yah-hey-yah four times, once a day for the next 7 days and see what happens. If said by my enemies this will bring bad news for you. 


This is the correct pronunciation spoken by me.

 Go to this link to hear




To all who have freely become wealthy because of me, it’s time to give something back to me.


For those who have stolen from me or used my name to make money, or who has what belongs to me, it’s time to give back or else you release the demons to come to you to destroy all that you have. Now you know, you have no excuse.


You can contact me at this link




I ain’t playing.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer



My Books Are Back On Amazon

  My books on amazon Chapter 5 of  "This Love Is Real" has shocked people. This Love is Real...