You may have been cursed by someone or an organization and not know it.
Again I have been given this message from the other dimension. This
message is for who it is supposed to reach.
With changes happening throughout 2020+ there are people who are to be released from curses now.
Just before we begin, here are two mentions of witchcraft through
In the track “It’s All About The Benjamin’s,” Lil Kim raps,
“Wanna bumble with the bee huh?
Throw a hex on a whole family.
Dressed in black like the omen.”
In Beenie Mans track called “Romie” he mentions a girl called Naomi.
The English translation of what he sings says,
“I get to understand that the
girl is a witchcraft worker/
She Obeah (done witchcraft) on
her mother so she can take away her step father from her mother so Naomi can be with her step father.”
The truth is these things do work, but there are eternal consequences
beyond death. It may even catch up with the person who benefits from the
witchcraft and it turns into a negative in their life before they die. So
if you are involved with it, it’s best to get out of it now.
Some signs of a person that is cursed are:
a. Nothing works out for them.
b. Relationships unexpectedly end.
c. Cannot fulfill things to completion.
d. Accidents happen.
e. Loss of business.
Even though these things do happen, some are caused by witchcraft by
someone purposely targeting an individual or group of people.
This is what the other dimension showed me to share now.
The ones who are the easiest targets to be cursed are usually the kind hearted, passive, helpful, forgiving people who get spells done on them. These kind
people are non offensive, non aggressive and peaceful which allows the spell
caster to constantly target you knowing that you will not do something back to
Here is a list of some of the usual suspects who may have done
witchcraft on you.
Grand Father
Grand Mother
Step Brother
Step Sister
Close friend
Best friend
Business Partner
Someone you know
Someone you don’t know who knows about you
A generational curse
Political Party
Company or organization
Non human entity
There is a reason I listed them out. You will see why shortly.
Because you may not know directly who has hindered your life with some
kind of witchcraft you still can send that energy back to that person to receive
the curse they sent to you. You are not cursing them, you are giving back to
them their shit on them.
I am sharing all this info for free. When it works for you and your curse
breaks remember me too. I’ve had to endure crazy situations to help you out.
As mentioned above, the people who are usually cursed are the nice
people. For you to break out of your curse you need to change your energy. If
you are sick of your situation and you are angry about it then that is good.
That energy is beneficial. Use that passion and anger to return the evil
back to the sender.
It’s usually the least likely of persons who you would never dream of
cursing you are usually the one or ones that did it.
I know this will be hard for some of you nice people to do but realize
this, you either use this method and see what result you get or, don’t do it and
stay in the same situation you are in.
Return To Sender
If some or all of the people listed are innocent then no harm is returned to them. That energy is cleared. I have read the following myself so my enemies are now
in trouble with the entities that have been returned on them.
Begin by saying,
“To the person or people and entities listed or not listed who have done
witchcraft to me, fuck you and you have just received your spell back on you
fully. What you took from me you have to pay back starting from today. If you
refuse to pay back what you took from me, your witchcraft that is on you now
will multiply on you each week. Contact me and pay me back financially for what you owe me. All
health and other non financial witchcraft you sent has now fully returned on
you and cannot leave you until you make amends. To the rest of you listed below who are innocent of any wrong doing to me, much love and respect to you.
Grand Father
Grand Mother
Husband/ Wife
Step Brother
Step Sister
Close friend
Best friend
Business Partner
Someone I know
Someone I don’t know who knows about me
A generational curse
Political Party
Company or organization
Non Human Entity
Receive what is for you.
The curse has returned to its sender and you cannot defend yourself against it.
You are bound and cannot send that curse again.
I seal it and I am free by the power of the death sacrifice of Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
So be it."
For those who have done witchcraft to me it is now on you. To resolve
the situation contact me through this link
For everyone else, share this post on your social media page so it can
be seen by someone who may have cursed you. Now that you have returned their
curse back to them and they read it, don’t be surprised if you get contacted
out of the blue by someone who wants to give you money or help you in some way.
Some of you may have been cursed by someone who has already passed
away. Acknowledge the separation of the curse from off of you and that it has
returned to sender.
Fix Society
UK Music Producer
UPDATE: I had problems getting to post this blog. See this link and also find out what's happening to popular youtube info channels in the post "Gone - The Purge Is Here."