Monday, 29 June 2020

Revelation Prophecy? Liverpool Do It Again

Liverpool FC’s domination continues as they win the Premier League trophy for the first time in 30 years.

I first started talking about Liverpool’s manager Jürgen Klopp around a year ago when they won the Champions League Final in 2019. 


I found out an interpretation of his name which was significant to bible prophecy.

As of the 25th June 2020 Liverpool are now the most successful English team. They take the crown away from Manchester United whose nickname is the “Red Devils.” Is that a significant sign?


With what has taken place around the world in the last 6 months especially with the corona virus dominating the news, could it be that the Revelation chapter 14 reapers have begun thrusting their sickle into the earth?

Over the years I have reported the progression of the world through sporting events that have mirrored what is in the bible.

Make your own mind up.

From what I wrote about Liverpool’s manager from July 2019 to June 2020, no-one would have expected Liverpool to dominate the world like they have.
See the post at this link that I wrote in December 2019 about Liverpool and more significant events that link to the bible.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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