Saturday, 15 February 2020

STOP MALE BASHING!!! Independent Women It’s Over Now

 Why has it become mainstream to devalue men now? Those in control of TV and entertainment are purposely promoting that straight men should be irrelevant and for men and women to be at war with each other.

I remember when Destiny’s Child/Beyonce kept on promoting negativity towards men, which was included in their song "Independent Women Part 2." This detest of straight men has continued since then.

In the world now there are 2 types of independent women.

1. Independent women that are respectable who treat people right.

2. The other type of independent women insults and undermines men regardless of when the men are doing their best. This has to stop now!

Stop letting what is in the media make you hate all straight men. Not all men are the same and not all women are the same. There is good and bad in both sexes.

You have no idea how many men have committed suicide because of this constant media pressure of making men feel worthless and irrelevant. 

I’ve had enough of all this hating on straight men in the media. I have brought my track Independent Women It’s Over Now back online. The track is about Destiny’s Child/Beyonce and the women who are materialistic and are disrespectful towards men.

If you are tired of the media trying to make men and women turn against each other, now is the time to support this track to silence the ongoing hate of straight men.

Respect goes both ways.

I stand with the women who respect the men who are doing their best.

Listen for free on spotify here

For other streaming options go to this link 

Listen and download on bandcamp here

 NO MORE straight male bashing. If you agree share this post online. We have to do something to fight back against what is happening. The fight back starts now. 

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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