Monday, 9 July 2018

An Incredible Wave Has United England

I have not witness such a wave of happiness in England.

If it takes the England football team to generate such a friendly vibe in the streets and in the pubs around the country then I'll gladly take it.

The progression of the team has felt like it has removed negative layers from a number of peoples minds.

The power of the media is still trying to ruin the surprising unexpected feel good factor that has hit the country I live in.

While we are loving this unique atmosphere, before the tournament even started, the government suggested to the England team NOT to go to Russia and also said NONE of the Politicians and NONE of the Royal family will be going to the World Cup. This never happens!!! There are usually Royals and or politicians at such prestigious events supporting the country, but this time these people ARE NOT THERE.

It really feels to me like a veil has been lifted to see that the hierarchy wants to keep the public on a low depressive frequency and low in spirit while such a great uplifting unimaginable achievement is happening.

As I type this and look at the news, the party running the British government is crumbling with 2 major resignations happening today. 

Whether the England team win the world cup or not, a great wave of tolerance and peace from a number of people has covered the land. It really feels incredible. People are happily stunned. Its a surreal moment happening in England.

I'll leave the final word to the England manager Gareth Southgate. What is happening now is definitely needed.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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