Sunday, 4 February 2018

My Post Was Blocked By Robots?

I waited a few days before I posted this blog just to see what was going on.

A day after I posted my blog called Terminator Film From 2009 Based on the Year 2018 something happened that has never happened before to my posts.


Facebook sent 8 notifications saying that three of my posts “look like spam” and removed those posts from being seen. 

This has never happened before on any of my posts that I have shared in groups over the years I have been posting. My Terminator post was about humans losing their jobs to the machines. Facebooks machine bots may have picked up on something I wrote and removed them.


Between the 10 hours or so that I did not log into Facebook I received those notifications and also other notifications which I cannot find now. They said something like


“Thank you for contacting us. On review, we have allowed your posts.”


First of all, I never contacted them at all as I did not know what happened as I didn't log in for about 10 hours. Secondly they changed their mind and allowed my posts to be seen after the robots or someone removed them.


Over the last few years that I have shared my posts in groups I have never (as far as I can remember) have Facebook block my posts or classed them as spam.


You could say that this could just be a coincidence or paranoia.


In the post “Terminator Film From 2009 Based on the Year 2018” I said,


In the future, will it be, instead of humans tagging boxes with codes or radio frequency tags, could it be the robots or machines tagging humans?


 I posted the Terminator blog on 29th January 2018 and just THREE DAYS LATER I saw this article written on the 1st February by the Guardian.


"Amazon patents wristband that tracks warehouse workers' movements"


This is the link to the article 


The article goes on to say,


"The result? Human workers can fulfil more orders – until robots develop the dexterity to replace them altogether."


 What is worse is how humans are being treated already by the well known online store.

From that article it says,

"Amazon already has a reputation for turning low-paid staff into “human robots” – working alongside thousands of proper robots – carrying out repetitive packaging tasks as fast as possible in an attempt to hit goals set by handheld computers.
This month, the 24-year-old warehouse worker Aaron Callaway described having just 15 seconds to scan items and place them into the right cart during his night shifts at an Amazon warehouse in the UK. “My main interaction is with the robots,” he said.
So what is the point of this post?

1. It’s to let you know what is happening, not in the future, but now.

2. Don’t get caught up with the program of hating people based on colour or nationality.

3. Realise what is really happening. It looks like it’s gradually going to turn into humans vs non human beings. Whether they are machines or something that came in by a portal, or with meteors, or by CERN’s activities or by some other way, humans should keep an eye on how all this is panning out.

If you want to wake other people up then share this post. If I share it in a few groups Facebook may block it as they have already been alerted to my page.
Also, if you liked my Facebook page it is highly unlikely that Facebook will notify you that I made a new post. Only around 5% of people who like my page Facebook will allow to be notified, I read online.


Are the machines and other beings in place preparing to take over?

I suggest you read the three posts that Facebook blocked all on the same day when I posted my Terminator post. They removed then reinstated these three for a reason. Maybe you can work out why.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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