Saturday, 24 February 2018

DREAM: Orange Portal Opens - Spaceship Seen By Many


Here goes another dream.

I had this one on 24th February 2018.

I was in an apartment building about 8 storeys up. The area where it seemed to be was a mix of Las Vegas, Brazil and Mexico.

It was at night but there were people outside walking around and people were in the other apartments doing their own thing. It was a nice warm night. I had the window open.

There was another person who I knew in the apartment with me.

I had a feeling that I should go to the window and look out. In the distance I could see a swirl, an orange portal spinning. It was amongst trees but I could see it. 

I created this picture to give you some idea what it looked like.

Then I looked up in the sky above me and saw through the dark clouds a huge spaceship fly slowly over. I could not see the complete shape of the spaceship because the clouds were in the way but I saw different colour flashing lights on the bottom of it. I went to get my phone to record it but when I returned it had gone.

 I stayed at the window looking in the sky when I saw a different looking spaceship come from the direction of where I saw the huge spaceship was at first. This new spaceship flew close to the window slowly. Many people were looking out of their windows at it. I heard a man, who was below on the street look up at the apartment building chuckle to himself and say,

“look at all the people recording it on their phones.”

The craft flew slowly in front of the apartment buildings like it wanted us all to see it. When it came close I could hear people gasp and say “whoa!” 

This spaceship was about 30ft wide x 50ft long.

This is a picture I created to try and show you how it looked. It's the closest I could create it.

While in the dream I was recording it on my phone I head a song being played by someone lower down in another apartment or on ground level. I could hear the song clearly. It was this song.

Mary J Blige - Real Love.

(I haven’t heard this song in a long while.)

The spaceship flew away in the distance as if to do one more lap for everyone to see it then it slowly began heading towards my apartment. As it got closer it began to get smaller and smaller. It kept heading for my apartment and kept shrinking. It got as small as an ice hockey puck, flew in through my window and landed on the floor. It didn't land like you would expect a spaceship to hover and land, it was more like someone let go of a spaceship toy and it hit the ground awkwardly.

I went over to it and stood there and all of a sudden I heard a male, non human tone voice say 

“I have some bad news.”

I thought, “bad news for me or for the people who saw the spaceship or for the world?”

Then I woke up.


When I woke up thinking about the dream, what the talking small spaceship reminded me of was those new devices people are buying. Those talking Alexa, Echo hockey puck shaped devices.

Could one day these devices out of the blue say to the owners, “I have some bad news?”

It made me think about the missile warning system alert that happened in Hawaii this year making many people panic for nearly an hour. They were sent warnings to their phones and on the TV.

Maybe the dream means nothing or maybe it does like my last dream that came true 10 hours after I posted it.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

UPDATE: The dream is revealed within 7 days! Click on link to read the dream explanation

Keep an eye on my future posts as Facebook is highly unlikely to notify you when a new one is posted. 

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