Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Super Bowl 2017’s Coincidence With Reality?

Super Bowl 2017 was an incredible game. At times some of the commentators could only say “wow.” By the sound of it I picked the best Super Bowl to watch all the way through for the first time.

Three days before the game I came across some strange coincidences which led one thing to another. That post is called “Weird Coincidences Found Before Super Bowl 2017.”

In that post I found meanings to the names of the teams.

1 Patriot = a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

2 Falcon = “the wild falcon represents the unconverted, materialistic soul and its sinful thoughts and deeds.”

The following is my alternative “other dimension” view on what happened in the Super Bowl in parallel with the world today. I’ll be using metaphors.

The unconverted, materialistic souls bossed the game right up to half time. They seemed unstoppable. The people who vigorously support their country and are prepared to defend it were stunned and barely had an affect against the unshakable momentum of the opposition.

At half time when Lady Gaga, an unconverted, materialistic soul performed, all I could think of was the bizarre event she attended where she was eating some liquid off the body of a naked lady who could have been dead. I couldn't look at Gaga the same way after that. This was on my mind throughout her performance.
Lady Gaga

Late on in the game while the unconverted, materialistic souls were in control a shift happened. It was like Neo from the third Matrix movie getting a power surge. This was the point when Edelman made an insane unbelievable catch. At that moment the unconverted, materialistic souls began to realise a supernatural force may be against them.

Edelman Insane Catch Super Bowl 2017 pt 1

Edelman Insane Catch Super Bowl 2017 pt 2

The people who vigorously support their country and are prepared to defend it fought back, never gave up and won against all odds.

President Trumps election victory shocked the USA and the world. The patriotic US citizens defeated the leaders, the unconverted, materialistic souls who held power for so long.

Brexit shocked the powerhouse of the European Union and the world. New England’s unbelievable victory could also represent the new version of England to come after the split from the EU.

Nothing is the same any more

Does that mean there will be peace? Yes and no. For Lady Gaga to perform at half time showed that the unconverted, materialistic souls still have a limited amount of power in places. Like the Falcons, they are in the game and are playing their part. But similar to Super Bowl 2017, even though the unconverted, materialistic souls have people in different places of authority they can be overpowered now. Peace can come at times but not without the possibility of unexpected devastating events.

That is the spirit dimension message I got out of Super Bowl 2017.


And again another coincidence happened the day after the Super Bowl. I turned the TV on and The Simpsons was on. Homer had to choreograph the half time Super Bowl show. The response after Homers display is a similar representation to my post concerning the term "unconverted, materialistic souls."

Listen to the clip for yourself.

If the video does not play watch it directly on youtube at this link 

UK Music Producer

K STONE is promoting to fix society through music. Click on the picture to listen to the video for more information.

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