Monday, 7 November 2016

Angels and Demons Fight On Earth + Doctor Strange

I cannot understand why so many coincidences keep happening and some appearing in such a short space of time.

The following synchronicities happened BEFORE I watched the movie Doctor Strange on the 2nd November 2016.

#1. On 21st October  I decided to post my instrumental tracks Angels and Demons Fight On Earth to my facebook page. I created these tracks some years ago. First I created the Drum n Bass version (listen here) and then the Hip Hop version (listen here).
The title of the tracks represents the message I was trying to put across using music. The theory is that angels and demons are around us in another dimension fighting each other on earth. A person who heard the Drum n Bass version said “You can really sense them fighting when listening to the track.”

Doctor Strange #1 – I was stunned when I watched Doctor Strange because in the movie, other beings and humans were fighting and living in another dimension that we cannot see that is around us. Remember I uploaded my tracks over a week and a half before I saw the movie.

#2. Around the 30th October I had a dream that my brother came to visit me. It was my house but I did not recognize it. I said to my brother in the dream, “Be careful. Don’t walk over there. There is a sink-hole where those tiles are.” After I left my brother and went into another room, he came out of the shower and stepped near the tiles and began to sink into the ground as the tiles shifted away. His body was halfway down into the hole sinking. I went over to him, grabbed him and pulled him up out of the hole.

Doctor Strange #2 – If I rightly remember, in the movie TILES SHIFTED AWAY for there to be a hole where the tiles were on the ground. The building in the movie looked like what I saw in my dream before I saw the film. Spooky!

#3. While I was watching the movie I was amazed as some of the things I have had in dreams years ago were in the movie.

Doctor Strange #3 – What made my brain freeze was when I saw one of my friends who I have not seen in a long time, was one of the ACTORS IN THE MOVIE!!! I was stunned and missed about 10 minutes of the movie trying to comprehend my friend being in the movie and all the weird coincidences.


Before October 2016 I had not heard of Doctor Strange. I only got interested in the movie because I walked past the cinema and the poster caught my attention. I stopped and took a picture so I could find out more about it.

To get more of an understanding to the background of this post click here to see my original Doctor Strange post with even more weird coincidences.

Oh, and I do believe that there is a dimension around us that other beings live in that we can’t see. Maybe that dimension is going to be revealed to us all or some people soon.

UK Music Producer

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