Saturday, 11 November 2023

Time's Run Out - Revelation 10 - 11/11/2023


Time's Run Out - Revelation 10               11/11/2023

The following also happened the same day as the Christ revelation post came to me on the 9th November 2023.

[I have to write this on my old blogger site because the “powers that be” have removed my website package from it's website to stop me from posting this new revelation that came to me. I will try and get it back.]


As I was driving on 9th November 2023 the sun reflection hit the wet road and shone brightly in my face. Inside the whole car lit up. Then it started raining heavily. Then the rain eased. I drove a little further and saw an amazing rainbow above my head. When I got to my destination nearby I took pictures. The sky was much darker than in the pictures and I could see this perfect complete rainbow arch from end to end with the clouds as background. I know when most people see rainbows they look amazing, but I have seen a number of rainbows before and this was bar far the most beautiful and most colourful.

The following day I wondered if seeing this perfect rainbow meant anything. Then I remembered a rainbow over a beings head was mentioned in the book of Revelation.

This is what it says in Revelation 10 verse 1

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

When I read that verse it made me think back to the day before when my face shone with the sun and the rainbow was above my head and it was cloudy. I continued reading to verse 2:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth

Then I instantly thought, “That is what I wrote on the back of my book called Revealed At Last in 2013.” On the back cover it says “The little book with a powerful life changing impact.”

The little book the mighty angel had in his hand could be referring to my little book. My little book could well be what is needed to be read by people around the world right now. It's at this link

I kept on reading Revelation 10 v 5-6 and I saw this,

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,

And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

What caught my attention was the end where it says “there should be time no longer.”

That made me wonder. For about the last month I kept saying to myself “double O O” and “double O double zero.” 00:00 is midnight on the clock. Time’s up. Then days after I kept saying 00 00, I came across an old blog I wrote that was put online on 1st November 2016 called “000 No More Time For What?” (Post link

At one part I said:

“I personally believe we may have hit midnight on the doomsday clock.”

I went on to mention about possible nuclear war, a huge earthquake, meteor/asteroid impact, terrorist attack or even aliens showing up. I also mentioned the possibility of being the end of how things were and the introduction of new technology and medicine that heals on a level we could not believe was possible.

I also unexpectedly came across another old blog post that was put online on 21st December 2018 called “Time Is Up.” (Post Link

In that post I said:

On the 21st December 2018, as I was waking up I heard words spoken to my mind…

Tell the corrupt their time is up.

With these signs all happening within a month this may be a significant message telling us that the clock has hit midnight, and as the verse says “there should be time no longer.”

Lets see what happens next...

K STONE (Peter Hutchinson)

UK Music Producer

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