Saturday, 11 November 2023

Time's Run Out - Revelation 10 - 11/11/2023


Time's Run Out - Revelation 10               11/11/2023

The following also happened the same day as the Christ revelation post came to me on the 9th November 2023.

[I have to write this on my old blogger site because the “powers that be” have removed my website package from it's website to stop me from posting this new revelation that came to me. I will try and get it back.]


As I was driving on 9th November 2023 the sun reflection hit the wet road and shone brightly in my face. Inside the whole car lit up. Then it started raining heavily. Then the rain eased. I drove a little further and saw an amazing rainbow above my head. When I got to my destination nearby I took pictures. The sky was much darker than in the pictures and I could see this perfect complete rainbow arch from end to end with the clouds as background. I know when most people see rainbows they look amazing, but I have seen a number of rainbows before and this was bar far the most beautiful and most colourful.

The following day I wondered if seeing this perfect rainbow meant anything. Then I remembered a rainbow over a beings head was mentioned in the book of Revelation.

This is what it says in Revelation 10 verse 1

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

When I read that verse it made me think back to the day before when my face shone with the sun and the rainbow was above my head and it was cloudy. I continued reading to verse 2:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth

Then I instantly thought, “That is what I wrote on the back of my book called Revealed At Last in 2013.” On the back cover it says “The little book with a powerful life changing impact.”

The little book the mighty angel had in his hand could be referring to my little book. My little book could well be what is needed to be read by people around the world right now. It's at this link

I kept on reading Revelation 10 v 5-6 and I saw this,

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,

And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

What caught my attention was the end where it says “there should be time no longer.”

That made me wonder. For about the last month I kept saying to myself “double O O” and “double O double zero.” 00:00 is midnight on the clock. Time’s up. Then days after I kept saying 00 00, I came across an old blog I wrote that was put online on 1st November 2016 called “000 No More Time For What?” (Post link

At one part I said:

“I personally believe we may have hit midnight on the doomsday clock.”

I went on to mention about possible nuclear war, a huge earthquake, meteor/asteroid impact, terrorist attack or even aliens showing up. I also mentioned the possibility of being the end of how things were and the introduction of new technology and medicine that heals on a level we could not believe was possible.

I also unexpectedly came across another old blog post that was put online on 21st December 2018 called “Time Is Up.” (Post Link

In that post I said:

On the 21st December 2018, as I was waking up I heard words spoken to my mind…

Tell the corrupt their time is up.

With these signs all happening within a month this may be a significant message telling us that the clock has hit midnight, and as the verse says “there should be time no longer.”

Lets see what happens next...

K STONE (Peter Hutchinson)

UK Music Producer

my website


Saturday, 7 October 2023

HELP Peter Hutchinson 7 10 2023 SHARE THIS INFO WITH OTHERS

HELP Peter Hutchinson 7 10 2023 SHARE THIS INFO WITH OTHERS

If you have seen me on TV or online let me know.

The media people who set me up seem to not like caring, kind, loving people unless you are one of them. And if you have a gift like me, they hate you even more unless I'm with them.

Another set up: For the last month I have been listening to gospel music non-stop on youtube so why would a video suggestion “When Nice People Kill,” show up? Another time a serial killer video showed up. Are they trying to turn me into a killer? I didn't even click on those videos. That's not me.

They know I have worked out the evil they do. They use spells to affect my thinking, emotions and bodily functions. One of the spells they have done to me is to try and make me shit on myself while in public. I realised this odd thing kept on trying to happen so I stopped eating. You may say, come on that's a health problem. Believe me I know what I am talking about. That is why I have lost a lot of weight. I stopped eating in the day so if I needed to go out their spell couldn't work. Real witches who cast spells will know what I'm saying is true.

I've been SET UP: James Meyern set me up. We had been friends for years but since the Covid lockdown everything changed. The last time I visited his pub was the day Mike Tyson and Roy Jones jnr. fought in 2020. Up until 2020 I would say he was ok. Ever since the George Floyd murder and sports players taking the knee, that all changed. One other issues that came up was when I said Donald Trump is doing a good thing by rescuing children who are victims of sex trafficking. Out of nowhere he became agitated and said something like, “Sex trafficking has gone on for years and it doesn't matter.” I said, “How can you say that? Even if one child gets rescued then that is a good thing.” He got enraged but not shouting and said he hates Donald Trump and “It doesn't matter about child sex trafficking as it has gone on for years. It doesn't matter.” I said, “That is sick what you have just said. What about the children?” James got frustrated again and said, “It doesn't matter about them.” At that point subconsciously we both realised that we can no longer be friends. I regret ever knowing him. Why doesn't he want children to be rescued? I don't understand.

Before that, because of lockdown and no-one could go anywhere we talked and met up because of both suffering depression.

We both had talked about racism before and that was that. But I noticed he kept bringing it up as if to provoke me. His energy and behaviour changed from being a friend to the energy of a racist. I did not want to visit him any more but it was like I was “told” by my 6th sense to keep visiting him because I have to see that he is setting me up and what he is up to.

I then realized that the subject of racism kept coming up. To provoke me one of the times he said “racism doesn't exist.” It was as if he was doing everything to get me to hate white people. I was not falling for that mess. There are good and bad in all colours. I am not seeing all white people as racist. I realised on a few occasions he was recording me on his phone just by what he was saying and his body language. I do believe he was setting me up to destroy me. We can NEVER be friends again. He is pathetic.

I NEED PUBLIC PROOF. A number of times I spoke to different NHS doctors. I said to more than one doctor that if you are secretly recording me I do not give you my consent or permission. One said something like, “If you have proof that you are being filmed you can take the doctor and the people involved to court but you must have proof.” Well the proof I have is, if the public have been watching me in any NHS facility speaking to doctors or anyone concerning my private conversations, then the public have seen it and that is my proof. The public have the evidence.

What has been done to me is illegal, evil and cruel and an attempt to destroy my name and my purpose to help all people of all colours better their lives.

So to the public could you please give me the evidence of me being filmed. I am on your side. I always have been. I have been put under spells, truama and psychic attacks to provoke me or do things I would not normally say or do.

This all must end now. The people trying to destroy me need to be held accountable.

To all, including celebrities, who are prepared to lie against me, I invoke the Righteous Judge Yeshua/ Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Angel of Death to be your witnesses.


HELP Peter Hutchinson 2nd October 2023

Some months ago I saw a friend who was with 2 other people who I didn't know. I told my friend that I hate what has happened to my life since I realised I have been filmed without my signature or my permission. His friend asked me, “Do you know why you are being filmed?” He said that in a way that he knew I was being filmed. I said, “No I don't know why. Maybe it's because someone in the media saw something interesting that I posted on my blog online. No I don't know why I am being followed and filmed.” I could tell by his reaction that the “media people” have LIED to the public. I don't know why I have been filmed and I have never spoken to any media representative or anyone why I had been filmed. So to the local people - I ask that you have nothing to do with these people. It looks like they are trying to destroy me but pretending to be doing something nice for me.

Even though I believed it all finished last year in 2022 I realised that they are still using people to try to make me “go crazy” but it isn't working.

They need to pay me compensation for what they have done to me.

If you have ever watched one of Derren Browns TV shows, especially the one about the Apocalypse, he had celebrities and a number of people who were in on the fake reality prank, making an innocent man think that meteors where hitting the earth and explosions were going off around him in the coach he was in.

I believe the “media people” want me to be bitter and hate the local community because I have suffered badly. I refuse to hate the local people as it is not your fault that (I worked out that) a media company came to our area in 2022 and started illegally filming me. I had been going through a lot of problems in my life at that time and I didn't need the extra craziness of the media doing things to me at the same time.

I did try to explain to some people what has happened to me and they did not believe all of what I said because it is so unreal and you would never expect it to happen to anybody.

Because what has happened to me rarely ever happens to the public, what I say sounds so crazy but it is all true. Just think about when Britney Spears shaved her head. The controllers of the media, when you rebel, they will do spells, trauma tactics and psychic attacks on you to make you seem crazy to others.

In the meantime, to keep myself occupied I have been promoting 2 of my books on my website to try and make some money as I am still on benefits. I am still dealing with the depression and trauma I have been through.

I sing and dance in my home and try to make myself laugh wherever I am to keep me sane and happy. One day this madness that these media people have put me through will come to an end and I get compensated.

My email:

[Samson Knight my name that has ended - Most of my details have changed back to Peter Hutchinson as of 10/11/23. I believe I was hypnotised to change my name in the first place to miss money or property or other blessings that were supposed to be given to me]


HELP “Peter Hutchinson” 25 7 2023 updated 13/08/23 v3

It's been over a year since I realised I was being filmed in my home and everywhere I go. During that time I had some really bad times where I would shout in my home “STOP FILMING ME.” Then I realised that the people filming me had no intentions of stopping filming me. You may say “Well why do you keep talking in your home if you don't like it?” It's because I usually talk to myself and I am TRAPPED. Those filming me can control whatever content they want the public to see and DO NOT show you the parts where I am screaming and shouting for this to stop. What else could I do? Can you imagine that you find out you are being filmed and you want it to stop because you don't know why it's happening? Sometimes people who I don't know have burst out laughing at me when they have seen me making me realize I am being mocked and humiliated.

The people filming me don't care as long as they can make me paranoid as people laugh at me.

Then one day I figured out, if I am being filmed then there is someone making money from all of this. That is when I decided to stay in my home and stay in bed. Then every now and then when I would ask people if they have stopped filming me they would say “no I don't know about it,” and laugh at me even though I knew they were lying. Can you imagine the mental stress of knowing that everywhere you go for over a year people who you know and do not know are laughing at you and you don't know why? The worst thing you can say is you don't know when you do know the truth. When you tell me the truth the trauma is over and everyone can get on with their lives.

What I do know for sure is that Derren Brown (TV Mind Control Specialist) is involved because when I was at the hospital a doctor/nurse said I am another one who Derren Brown has messed up.

I've guess that the people filming me were NOT showing the public all the times I screamed and shouted in agony over this situation, screaming STOP FILMING ME.

Can you imagine walking around everywhere you go feeling like everyone knows about you and are laughing at you and you don't know why and you are not getting paid for the shame you are getting? I never signed up for this at all. They are lying if they said I did. They are telling the public something completely different while they are traumatizing me but the public don't know.

As I realized this, the pressure and trauma in my brain increased. Most of the time I would not scream out but stay silent but more pressure would build up in my brain.

When I would ask for help I realised that the people who I would ask for help KNEW I was being filmed but denied they knew anything even though I knew they were lying. They would slip up and say something that is about me that I never told them and they would not know any other way.

I HAVE NEVER BEEN PAID FOR ANY OF THIS and I am on benefits. If anyone said that I am lying about not being paid then they are the biggest liars on the planet. I have NEVER been paid.

NOT EVERYONE likes being filmed without their consent. Would you, and not get paid for it? Not everyone wants to be on camera that way. Why can't people understand that?

The best way I can explain what I have been through is imagine you are someone who likes mellow jazz music and being told you have to sit in a room where thrash metal is being played really loud. The jazz fan would say “I can't stay in here let me out” but the people who tricked him to go in the room will not let him out and say, “YOU CANNOT LEAVE THIS ROOM UNTIL YOU LOVE THRASH METAL.” The jazz fan would say, “But I don't like thrash metal. I am leaving,” but is not allowed to leave until he accepts thrash metal. The jazz fan would want to get out of that room but can't so he would end up shouting LET ME OUT. He would be angry and confused why he is trapped in that room while the general public knew why he was put in that room. He has no idea what is outside the room while he is being traumatized inside the room. He doesn't understand why he has to listen to thrash metal and forced to love it when he doesn't like it.

So after a year has gone by the jazz fan starts getting more angry and confused in the thrash metal room. He knows everyone is getting on with their lives and going on holiday while he is confused and poor in this traumatizing room and can't figure out what to do for it to end.------

So the last hope that I had was to change my name to see if this madness would end.

I believe by me changing my name this may have caused the filming of me to end? And guess who the people filming me would put THE BLAME ON??? YES... they would put all the blame on ME! They would say I am to blame instead of telling the public that I have been traumatized throughout this situation and needed it to end. I hate being poor and realized I could not make any money anywhere if the people filming me told people NOT to support what I wanted to do. So the media is highly likely to BLAME ME. This is similar to what Dave Chappelle went through with many people thinking he was crazy to step away from a $50 million contract and fly to Africa. He was not being given what he deserved, so the media made up stories about him and called him crazy.

So before you be duped by the media remember to see my side of this whole thing. I'm not crazy, I just don't like being treated disrespectfully and then get given the blame by the TV people who are the ones filming me when I don't want to be filmed in this way. It's gone on way to long. So when the TV people convince you to blame me, remember, I don't have a film crew or cameras everywhere to spy on me and critique everything I say or do. They know full well for at least a year now that I kept saying, “Can someone please stop all this and tell me what is going on.” The people filming me know I have said this many times as I asked repeatedly for this to end and someone sit down and speak with me and tell me why this all was happening.

I want to stress, can you image the mental trauma of knowing strangers and friends and family knowing things about you and deny knowing what is going on, when you know they know something? That puts you in the mindset to trust noone, at the same time knowing people are laughing at you. Being a single man who is always on my own, this situation creates unfair amounts or pain and stress in the brain. It also leaves me at a loss of what to do with my life if everyone is lying to me and are controlled by the media people. Noone will truly understand what it feels like.

The best way I can explain this is like being “energetically raped.” Your freedom and privacy has been taken from you and no matter how much you scream, the TV people won't stop but continues violating you until you just lay their and take it. It's like a woman being raped. She says “stop, no, I don't like this, I hate this, stop,” but the man doesn't stop.

That has left me feeling like noone cares about me and would rather watch me lay there being energetically raped then after they have finished, they blame me for wanting to stop being raped. Remember, I do not know why all this has been happening to me. I've guessed reasons why but noone has told me the real reason. They need me isolated with no friends so they can torture me while everyone looks on and laughs at me while not knowing what is really going on.

I believe that everyone has been told not to tell me anything or else I will lose something “wonderful” for me, even though the criminals involved know full well they want me to commit suicide so I don't get anything and they keep all the millions of pounds they made from me being traumatized. I believe friends and family were bribed with money, holiday's and gifts not to tell me anything. I AM BEING TORMENTED FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. IT'S EVIL!!!

Also, because Derren Brown ( TV Mind Control Specialist) is involved, I don't know what is real or a set up any more. That's incredibly unfair to confuse me. That's why this situation must end immediately! I'm still nice to people I come across as it is not their fault. They don't know my pain.

If the media ever target you and you cannot get your truth out, you may end up completely mental or dead. The people in the media must STOP this gaslighting and mental abuse on people, if not they should go to prison. They are using 5G & wi-fi frequency to manipulate my emotions and make me angry every time I believe something good is about to happen. Then they make me miss out on that opportunity then they make me become at peace again. They are sending messages to my brain. I AM NOT as psychic as it seems. IT'S THEM MESSING WITH MIND CONTROL FREQUENCIES. If you know about Max Spiers and James Casbolt you will know what I am talking about. What has this world come to? It's the citizens verse the devils. STAND UP!

All the mental pressure and stress on my brain should go as soon as they tell me why they have been doing all this to me. This should never be done this long to anyone ever again, and NEVER done to me again. It's time for me to be compensated so I can get on with the rest of my life.

(Watch the film “Kingsman: The Secret Service.” They tell us in movies what is going to happen before they do it to the public. You will realize why many people are going crazy or committing suicide today. In the film, frequencies via Sim Cards are used to traumatize many people)


18 10 2023 HELP Peter Hutchinson October

On 16th October 2023 I was going to put some gospel music in my gospel music file on my USB stick. I realized that I did not have enough space left so I deleted some old gangsta rap music on the file. Then I noticed that the people who have been following me everywhere and have hacked my phone and laptop for a long time now, they DELETED my gospel music file right before me. So as they done that, I am not listening to any of that gangsta rap music any more. If they can delete my gospel music file with tracks then I can delete gangsta rap and not listen to it ever again.

THESE TV PEOPLE who are following me and filming MUST NOT BE TRUSTED. I do not want anything to do with them and they must leave me alone. They are pathetic bullies and I want nothing to do with them. They have traumatized me enough and cast spells on me for too long now. Don't listen to them or trust them. The God consciousness inside them will kill them at a time they do not expect if they do not stop their evil. Their destruction is coming.

On the 14th October 2023 I was at a T junction in Camberley waiting to pull out. A woman driving a car indicated left to go down the junction I was waiting to drive out of. For some reason I looked into her eyes to see if she was going to turn down the road I was waiting to drive out of. She slowed down as if to go down that road. This is the normal time drivers usually start to move out onto the road when they see a car slowing down and indicating to go down the junction they are waiting to come out of. Instead of driving off for some reason I felt to wait. I kept looking in the woman's eyes. As she thought I was going to pull out she SPED UP FAST as if to try and crash into my car while she was still indicating left. She looked at me as if she FAILED to hit my car on purpose. She looked annoyed that she failed.

I am for the public and local people not these TV PEOPLE. Wake up local people. They are using you to destroy me. They follow me and set me up and have been trying for me to go mentally insane. The world can only get worse if you let it. Don't support these TV people and let me know what is going on. If they can destroy me, then they will destroy you next. Fight back now.


My Books Are Back On Amazon

  My books on amazon Chapter 5 of  "This Love Is Real" has shocked people. This Love is Real...