Monday, 2 September 2019

What is Love?

On the 1st September 2019, as I was waking up a question came to my mind. I was asked…

 “What is Love?”

It’s not something I have thought about, so I got a pen and tried to think of the first thing that came to my mind.

I wrote down:

1. Love is peace

2. Love is doing the right thing

3. Love is joining with one or more people in truth and unity

4. Love is honest fair discipline

5. Love is a flow of a fountain inside all people who share their flow with who they show unity with


Later in the evening I thought about the question again. I included…

6. Love is a hug from someone who you genuinely feel has your well-being in mind and who has good intentions towards you.

Ask yourself, what is love? Does anyone know the real answer?

Write what you believe love is.

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