Tuesday, 17 April 2018

What Did I Just Watch? Star Trek And The Devil?

Another coincidence?

On 16th April 2018 I turned on the TV at around 6.57pm. For some reason I had a thought to check the Horror Channel. When I went to that channel I heard that Star Trek Next Generation was about to start and it was about the devil showing up. I wondered, 

“the devil in Star Trek?” 

I wasn't expecting that so I watched it.

 It was about a 1000 year contract a female called Ardra  had with a planet and that the time of the 1000 years of peace had come to an end. (She could change into the devil)

In the show it said that the people sold their soul to the devil years ago in exchange for help. 

The signs of Ardra (devil) returning to the planet to reclaim the planet were earthquakes, pollution and other things that I can't remember right now.

She used illusions and technology which made the people think she had power. (Project Blue Beam and Haarp came to my thoughts.)

That episode is called "Devils Due." I'm not going to say anything else about it and spoil it just in case someone wants to watch it.

Why I watched that now at that time may mean something or may mean nothing. I don’t watch Star Trek so who knows why that happened.

This is the trailer for that episode

Also, do you remember the post I wrote on 7th January 2018 called “Doctor Who and the 2018 Female Energy Outpouring?

Click picture to read that post

 I said in that post I felt female energy coming in since 1st Jan 2018. I wrote mentioning 2 different female energy types. 

One good and one bad. 

Maybe what was in Star Trek proved my point with the bad female energy appearing in 2018?

Remember also that the new Doctor Who is a female. Years ago I was listening to a man who claimed to speak to staff involved with the show Doctor Who. He was asked, 

“Do you know who the Doctor is?” 

He said no. Then he was told 

"Doctor Who is Lucifer."

If that’s the case, both Star Trek and Doctor Who are showing the devil as shape shifting into a woman. In Star Trek she does fake miracles which looks like great powerful signs on earth and in the sky, but are just illusions and advanced technology being portrayed as awesome power.

Is something going to happen? Who knows?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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