Thursday, 21 March 2024

Dream Death Attempts of Peter Hutchinson Failed 18/3/2024

 By Peter Hutchinson 18/3/2024

Dream after Dream - Death Attempt Failed

From the day after I went to Sheffield Arena on 13th March I came down with a mystery sickness.

From the 15th -18th March I stayed in my home and never left apart from to put out the rubbish on Sunday night.

To see that I had not been influenced in any way in these dreams know that I don't watch TV and I plugged my WIFI out since 5th March. I have had nothing to influence my thoughts in the way the dreams went.


On 17th March I had a strong deep dream that was no doubt supposed to kill me. There was this big invisible serpent that was trying to make me die in my sleep and squeeze out my life force. It was so horrible and I gasped awake in shock and was shaking and sweating. I believe they have killed many people this way in their sleep. Some “death's while sleeping,” could have been a death spell put on the victim.


When I went back to sleep I was sent another dream. It was of a black baby girl about 2 years old that was mysteriously set on fire. At first her hands were set on fire then her whole body. Then I woke up.


When I went back to sleep, while deep in sleep I felt my body almost completely restricted. They made it known to me that they turned me into a spastic. In the dream I walked like a handicapped person and looked like one. My face had all changed as I stood looking in a mirror of a spastic version of me.

When I woke up out of this dream I am 100% certain that this dream was to manifest through black magic to make me stay as the spastic I was portrayed as in the dream. The reason I say this is because when I woke up I felt completely restricted in my movements as a handicapped person. I lay on the couch thinking, “oh no my life is over now.” Then just as I was thinking that, it was as if God told me to stand up and walk around. All the restrictions of being a spastic had gone.

I believe this made whoever put the spell on me go mad and angry.


I then had another dream. I was sitting in a car and saw a demonic looking man that looked like Rorschach from the movie Watchmen. I went to rebuke him in the name of Jesus in the dream but his faced morphed just like Rorschach and I couldn't say, “In the name of Jesus.” My mouth muscles would not allow me to mention Jesus's name. Then the demonic man walked closer to the windscreen then I woke up.

I wondered why I could not use Jesus's name. Then a word came to me that it seems like I don't need to because when a demon-possessed man spoke to the 7 sons of Sceva he said Jesus I know and Paul I know. It seemed like the demon-possessed man knew me but couldn't hurt me because he knew me so I didn't need to say the name of Jesus.

Mysterious Dust

Throughout these past days, it seems that somehow they put some mysterious dust in my nose and to the back of my nasal passage. It is of a taste I have never tasted before so I can't describe it. I do believe it was to give me a cardiac arrest as I felt my heart sometimes hit pain when I would taste it.

I share all this information with you in case between the 15th-18th March anything that was claimed to have been me in a video or out somewhere is a lie and it was A.I. All that time I've just been sleeping and sleeping since the 15th March and never left the house or put on any TV or wifi.

Also over a number of months now “they” keep sending to my mind that they want me to believe that I have dementia. I don't have dementia but Derren Brown can make me forget things so it looks like I have dementia. JUST LOOK ON HIS YOUTUBE VIDEOS. He makes people forget things that they should know, then he does something that makes them remember. I do not have dementia and I am not crazy. If you listen to and believe SOME of these so called experts then realise you are listening to the enemy of the truth. After reading the book, “Overcoming Monarch Mind Control,” it says that Luciferians have infiltrated almost every organization, e.g. as doctors, psychologists, police and so on. In other words, some of these Luciferian doctors etc can make innocent people or believers in Christ who are telling the truth seem as if they are crazy. The Luciferians have main hold over the music and entertainment industry.

Jay Z and Derren Brown allegedly clearly want me dead.

Sometimes the same people who claim they love you and want the best for you are usually the same ones setting you up for you to die, but God will expose everything they planned and I will outlive them and have a blessed and prosperous life.

I believe again that God allowed me to be attacked this way to survive it and document it so others who have experienced this, but no-one believed them, will have evidence from me that this is all real.

If the “specialists” claim I have dementia, don't believe them. Derren Brown has made people forget simple things through his TV shows. He could have made me forget or lose simple things also. And by the way, from what I have experienced, I believe these Luciferians can heal EVERY form of illness, dementia etc. They have the knowledge of the healing power of Christ but keep it for themselves and who they want to heal.

Note also, in early 2024 and in 2022 or 2023 I was put in dream state and given/appeared a pen filled with blood for me to sign a contract. I didn't sign anything. This exact dream happened at 2 different times over a year apart from each other. If you won't sign a contract in normal awake life, “they” try and get you to do it in a dream state that they projected.

I can't use the WIFI in my home as it seems they have cranked up the power of it when I have switched it on. This causes blurry vision, head pain and the last time I switched it on 5th March 2024 it crushed my head and chest. I'm posting this from a WIFI at a shopping centre.

Please continue to pray for my protection and Gods blessing in my life as I pray for you too. Also pray that this situation in my life ends so I can be at a place of peace with genuine people and for those who caused me problems to give up and have to stop harassing me.

Peter Hutchinson


You can see more of what happened to me when they possessed me with demons at this link

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