Sunday, 7 January 2024

I Was “forced” to Make a False Confession

I was “forced” to make a false confession

Go to the link and ask yourself, would you do the same in this position too?

On the 4th January 2024 the spirit world told me to write about a false confession I made.

To be honest, I am completely over all that was done to me and I want to move on with my life, but the spirit world told me I must write about it.

I was going to write about all the times that people have lied about me to prove that I am telling the truth and then I thought to myself, I am not going to address every single issue at all.

What the spirit world wanted me to address is about a “forced” false confession that I was “pushed” to make. For some reason the spirit world said I must do this.

The false confession that the spirit world wanted me to expose was when I was detained in the hospital in Woking for 6 days in January 2023. I was not allowed to leave unless the decision making doctor gave me permission to leave.

On the Monday (I believe) when I spoke to the doctor for the first time I told him that I believe that I was being secretly filmed without my permission. I went into detail about it. I also mentioned about when a former friend was looking for a reason to start an argument or a fight with me and used me having a prawn cracker as the motive for his outrage. He used the fact that I am a vegetarian but I had a prawn cracker. That was what he used to try and kick off a confrontation as he had nothing else to go on. As I walked into his home I felt a really strong bad energy and I was going to leave but the spirit said I should stay. I felt something really bad was supposed to happen.

After telling the TRUTH to the doctor of my experience of being set up and filmed over the last year (during 2022) the doctor said, in words to this affect, that he doesn't believe a word I said because what I have said is not believable. I was shocked and felt like I couldn't move for a moment. I then thought that I was tricked into coming into this hospital that I did not know was a hospital that detained me.

Fear and shock hit me thinking that they are never going to let me out. I've been tricked and trapped. Then I kept thinking about the things Kanye West said about how “they” treated him.

For the next few days I was thinking that they are never going to let me out. It was mentioned to me that I can speak to a lawyer if I think the decision to keep me detained is wrong.

At first I said, “What is the point?” It seemed like the whole system is rigged but made to look fair. I did decide to chose a lawyer anyway. I had nothing else to do at the hospital so why not amuse myself.

I saw the lawyer (I think she said she was an assistant for the lawyer) on the Thursday (I believe) and she said in shock that I should not be in here (or words to that affect) as she said what I told her was totally believable. She told me the procedure to take. She said these hospitals don't like dealing with tribunals so I may be let out sooner. The tribunal would be in 2 weeks time, or there was a 76 hour one (if I rightly remember).

The next day (Friday) was when I saw the doctor again to be assessed to see if I could leave. He would have known that I spoke to a lawyer so I wondered how he would have reacted. I went into the meeting with him with no hope at all after the way he spoke to me when I first saw him.

When I spoke to him this time, I can't remember what he asked me, but I told him that I was telling the truth about what I told him the first time I spoke to him about what my ex friend said and that I believe I have been secretly filmed.

From now on I will talk about the conversation we had in a round about way of his response as I can't remember what he said in his exact sentences.

When I told him that everything I said was true, he said, “Don't you think you are exaggerating, making this up in your mind?

I said, “No. What I said really happened.”

I think we went back and forth like this for a while and I realised that he had no intention on going with what I had to say. I realised, the last time I told him the truth the first time I met him he kept me inside detained in the hospital. It's not like a hospital where you can just walk out. It's got a locked security door where patients cannot get out unless a member of staff opens the door for us.

So after I said I was telling the truth he again said something like, “You are not listening. You made this up in your mind didn't you? It didn't really happen. You are exaggerating don't you think?

I sat there and thought, “My God, he's not going to let me out.” So I said something like, “Maybe I was exaggerating. Maybe it didn't happen.”

He replied something like, “Now you get it. Now you understand.”

I then said, “Yeah, I think I may have got it wrong.”

Again he said something like “That's it. You were making this up.”

I said to him I believe I should be let out as I feel better.

He replied, “The patients that think they are ready to leave are the ones that should stay, and the ones who want to stay are the ones who should leave.”

I then jokingly sarcastically said in response, “You know what, I should stay here really.” He laughed and he may have said something like, “See you are understanding now.

As I realised what was happening I then said to him sarcastically, “You were right to not release me on Monday. You did the right thing.”

I saw that this is what he wanted to hear. I believe I may have said other things to boost his ego and make him in the right and me in the wrong.

What I was aware of is that there were cameras in the room we were talking in and I bet this was used against me to make me out to be a liar.

He then asked me if I wanted to leave today (Friday) or on Monday. I said today.

When I got out of the room with the doctor I told another patient called “Andy” that I was allowed to go today. He looked shocked and confused. I then went into my room. I came back out and sat with Andy.

Then I heard Connor saying “Coon” while I was in the room. He then said “Coon” again. I told Andy and he was shocked. Later on Connor walked past me and secretly said, “I'm not racist, I'm not racist.” I did not respond. I then realized he was told to call me a “Coon” to trigger me to start an argument so I would be seen as unsafe to be out in public and I would have to stay detained in the hospital.

I did not respond to anything. I knew I had to get out of there as soon as possible.

So if the meeting with the doctor was shown to the public with me saying the false confession, now you know why I had to say what I said. Wouldn't you? It's a dilemma. Tell the truth and be kept locked up or make a false confession to gain your freedom. What would you do?

So for everyone who has believed lies about me or negative reports about me, you need to realise you were lied to to make you and others turn against me even though I have not done nothing to you. You believed something that was totally incorrect just to ruin my name. Now see my name as restored back to its original innocent position.

For some reason, I feel as if I had to experience this false confession situation to help others out who were put in this position too.

When you are up against the media, rich people, well paid respected qualified doctors and peoples whose names are on the line, there is almost no hope for you to win. I only had 1% chance of getting the truth out. That's why I believe in a higher power as I was up against the powers that control society.

Still no-one has contacted me whether family, friends or any person who is responsible for me being filmed secretly without my permission about this situation.

I remember speaking to a different doctor inside the hospital too. He asked me if my thoughts are my own. I said, “I don't know as someone could be sending me telepathic messages so I don't know if all my thoughts are my own.”

He said to me words to this affect, “No, say the thoughts are your own.” I again said, “I can't say that they are 100% my thoughts as I could be getting messages sent to my mind from elsewhere.” He again said, “No, say they are your own thoughts.” I got annoyed and just to get the meeting with this doctor over with I said, “Maybe they are just my own thoughts.” He was happy with this response.

Can you see a pattern? It seems like I was being set up.

I know Derren Brown is good at manipulation and planting suggestions as I have watched a number of his shows in the past. I think I could well have been set up.

Hopefully all this secret filming and all these lies about me can now end so I can move on with my life, get compensation for the hell I've been through and begin a prosperous, healthy, safe and fun 2024 and beyond.

K STONE (Peter Hutchinson)

UK Music Producer

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