Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Lyra Constellation Sends Music To Music Producer?

Around 1st December 2019 early in the morning I woke up with what felt like music flowing through me. It was made known to me that I had to make a remix to “Let’s Go Away.” The original was recorded over 10 years ago and I had no intention to create a remix for it.

After I had that experience I unexpectedly came across a blog I wrote over a year ago in 2018. I completely forgot I even wrote it. I came by it by "accident" while going through my files. In that blog I mention that I had a dream that I was on another planet and this man gave me a vinyl record with an instrumental on it. He said I could put words to the music.

It was made known to me that what is in “Let’s Go Away Remix” is the music that was on that vinyl record in my dream. I put the words to the music just like the man in the dream said I could.

You can read the whole dream at this link.

In December 2019 I re-read the dream again. I began to say to myself,

“I wonder what planet that was?”

and immediately the word “Lyra” came out of my mouth. I don’t think I have ever heard of Lyra before. The name just came out of my mouth and surprised me.

I put “Lyra” into a search engine and I found this: 

The name Lyra is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "lyre". Lyra is a constellation name taken from the lyre of Orpheus. It contains the star Vega and thus could make a melodic choice for a parent interested in music, astronomy, or mythology."

This is Lyra’s constellation

The name Lyra is a constellation and is associated with music.

If you think that it is impossible to receive a message or music from the stars then why do many people, every single day, read the horoscope? They want to find out what message the stars say is likely to happen to them today or through the week.

Something that stuck in my mind some time ago was when I signed an agreement with a well known music distribution company; in one of its clauses for the agreement, which is in their favour, it said:

Authorized Territory” means universe.”

Why universe and not "all zone territories of the world?" Why does it have to include outside of earth? Do they know that music creators can get music sent to them from the universe and are capitalizing off that too?

Give Let's Go Away Remix a few listens to get use to it.

If you haven’t already, support K STONE’s music. Request to your radio stations to play Lets Go Away Remix. I’m putting something better out there in the airwaves. I don’t have to do it but I do it because the world needs to hear something different other than drugs, guns, killing, money bragging etc.

Lets Go Away Remix.

1. Let's Go Away (Original) & 
2. Lets Go Away (Remix)
Both available from this link

Click on this link to listen to the Remix on Bandcamp

Let’s Go Away Remix 


Music from the Lyra Constellation.

These are the lyrics

Let’s Go Away Remix

It’s time to take a break
It’s time to go away
Let’s go away remix
K Stone

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Switch off the TV
I’m sick of the TV
It’s always bringing bad news
Where the hell is the good news
I’m sick of the phone ringing
I need peace and a time for thinking
I’m going to make a change today
Come baby let’s go away

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Bring some clothes
I’ll bring some money
We will go to a place
A place of peace and tranquillity
I want to get you all alone
And remind you about my spirit
Don’t bother bring a mobile phone
My eyes will talk and you will hear it

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away

Time ceases to exist
When we are together
I know you want me
You want me to hold you closer
Close your eyes
While I kiss your lips
You hold my face
Now wrap your legs around my hips

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Let’s go away (let’s go away)
Away from this
All I want is your touch
And your soft kiss
Let’s go away
Away from this
I don’t want nothing else but this

Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away
Let’s go away

We can meditate right here and fly away
Close your eyes
Let’s meditate
Let’s go away

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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My Books Are Back On Amazon

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