Friday, 29 June 2018

I Said this 3 Months ago - Russia and Space Force

Synchronicity... again!

On the 16th March 2018 I posted this on facebook

Russia turned into news story number one, giving Ebola a little rest until they bring Ebola back to number one news headline.

Of all the things I could have guessed was the reason for the media to attack Russia, the one thing I said has shown up 3 months later.

On the 18th June (while Russia is centre stage with the football World Cup tournament taking place there) President Trump has called for a "Space Force" to be set up immediately. He even mentions Russia.

Listen for yourself

We are living in very strange and interesting times.
Is the Space Force really because of a government known publicly visual alien visitation that is on its way?

K STONE UK Music Producer 

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Fix Society

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