Tuesday 2 July 2024

My Books Are Back On Amazon

 To get my books on amazon, first go to this link


Chapter 5 of "This Love Is Real" has shocked people.

Peter Hutchinson is 

K STONE UK Music Producer

Thursday 4 April 2024

P Diddy Wants Me Dead? - Cardiac Arrest FAILED 4 4 2024


P Diddy Wants Me Dead?

Cardiac Arrest FAILED

by Peter Hutchinson (K STONE) 4 4 2024

Share this and other articles I have written with others so they know that this kind of thing is real.

The spirit told me to write this some time ago but I didn't until now.

Early in 2024 when I was at the doctors I was told that my cholesterol level was high and I was in danger of getting a cardiac arrest. I was suspicious when I was told that because my cholesterol level has been even higher than that before and I don't remember being told that I was in danger of getting a cardiac arrest.

About a month later as I was waking up I was telepathically told, “You are going to have a cardiac arrest.” I said to myself, “No I am not. That is a lie. That is not going to happen to me.”

The reason why they told me about the cardiac arrest telepathically is for it to be a seed in my brain to make me keep thinking about it. It was supposed to make me worry about it then inevitably manifest into my life. I rejected what was sent to my mind. I will NOT have a cardiac arrest. It is not going to happen.

Then about 2 – 3 weeks later, I felt a terrible pain in my heart. I then thought about how they told me I was going to get a cardiac arrest. What I then did was pull the witchcraft energy of the cardiac arrest out of my heart and the pain went instantly.

A day or so later I had another terrible pain in my heart. Again I thought that they were sending me a cardiac arrest spell to kill me. I also pulled the energy of the pain out of my heart and all the pain left.

If I rightly remember, they tried doing this again to me. Once again, I pulled the witchcraft energy of the cardiac arrest spell out of my heart and the pain left instantly. Ever since then I had no more pains in my heart.

I then thought, if Sean Combs (P Diddy) had anything to do with me being filmed, I thought maybe he is trying to have me killed through spell work because I do not like his energy and I have no interest in meeting him.

I decided to go online to find out how other people around my age died who had problems with P Diddy.

According to Mark Curry, Craig Mack and Black Rob who were American rappers HATED Sean Combs. They both died.

Here are some names and causes of death of people who allegedly did not like Sean Combs and whom some were going to write tell all books about him.

Craig Mack - age 47 - heart failure

Black Rob - age 52 - cardiac arrest

Heavy D - age 44 - pulmonary embolism - “Collapsed and died suddenly outside his Beverly Hills home.”

Andre Harrell - age 59 - congestive heart failure

Kim Porter - age 47 - lobar pneumonia (inflammation of one or more lobes of the lung).

The “new” way of killing someone's enemy it seems in the hip hop and RnB community, from what I see here, is not death by the use of guns like Tupac and Biggie, but spells and witchcraft to cause seemingly “traceless” deaths. A pattern can be clearly seen here with those who were in close contact with Sean Combs.

When I found out how the people who were close to Sean Combs died I wondered, has he and the people associated with him been trying to kill me for years?

I was supposed to have or die of cardiac arrest.

I was supposed to die of pulmonary embolism (blood clots on the lungs) like Heavy D.

Why would someone like me have these kinds of life threatening illnesses when I don't drink or smoke and was a sporty person? Did I talk too boldly about Jesus Christ and the kingdom of heaven? Did I talk too much about saving children and women from sex traffickers?

Did the people who have been secretly filming me purposely not tell me they were filming me to set me up, and told people not to tell me what was going on to make me go mentally insane and die?

If you experienced what I have been through by everyone not telling you what is happening it would drive you crazy while you know people do know what is happening.

If Sean P Diddy Combs was involved with the secret filming of me and the prolonged hypnosis and torture of me for at least the last 2 years by Derren Brown; Sean Combs and the others involved were purposely trying to kill me and have you all watch me die then they take all money made from filming me and money from my music, pictures and books.

Up to this day 4/4/2024 NO-ONE has told me what is going on, why I have been filmed, why no-one will tell me what is going on and why I have NOT been paid for being filmed and why I have not been paid any compensation whatsoever even though I am on welfare with next to no money.

What has been done to me is EVIL and is set up to watch me go mentally insane and commit suicide in front of the world.

I need answers RIGHT NOW and if Sean Combs, Jay Z, Derren Brown and others are all involved in this demonic and wicked torment of me, then they need to be arrested IMMEDIATELY! What has been done to me is EVIL!!!!

If you ever see me laughing and happy it is NOT because I am enjoying this madness what is happening to me, it is because I have to keep myself happy until this evil has ended. The joy of the Lord has been my strength.

Doesn't anyone love me enough to tell me the truth?

While they dressed up everything about me as entertainment, behind the scenes they are trying to kill me.

Peter Hutchinson

K STONE UK Music Producer



Thursday 21 March 2024

Dream Death Attempts of Peter Hutchinson Failed 18/3/2024

 By Peter Hutchinson 18/3/2024

Dream after Dream - Death Attempt Failed

From the day after I went to Sheffield Arena on 13th March I came down with a mystery sickness.

From the 15th -18th March I stayed in my home and never left apart from to put out the rubbish on Sunday night.

To see that I had not been influenced in any way in these dreams know that I don't watch TV and I plugged my WIFI out since 5th March. I have had nothing to influence my thoughts in the way the dreams went.


On 17th March I had a strong deep dream that was no doubt supposed to kill me. There was this big invisible serpent that was trying to make me die in my sleep and squeeze out my life force. It was so horrible and I gasped awake in shock and was shaking and sweating. I believe they have killed many people this way in their sleep. Some “death's while sleeping,” could have been a death spell put on the victim.


When I went back to sleep I was sent another dream. It was of a black baby girl about 2 years old that was mysteriously set on fire. At first her hands were set on fire then her whole body. Then I woke up.


When I went back to sleep, while deep in sleep I felt my body almost completely restricted. They made it known to me that they turned me into a spastic. In the dream I walked like a handicapped person and looked like one. My face had all changed as I stood looking in a mirror of a spastic version of me.

When I woke up out of this dream I am 100% certain that this dream was to manifest through black magic to make me stay as the spastic I was portrayed as in the dream. The reason I say this is because when I woke up I felt completely restricted in my movements as a handicapped person. I lay on the couch thinking, “oh no my life is over now.” Then just as I was thinking that, it was as if God told me to stand up and walk around. All the restrictions of being a spastic had gone.

I believe this made whoever put the spell on me go mad and angry.


I then had another dream. I was sitting in a car and saw a demonic looking man that looked like Rorschach from the movie Watchmen. I went to rebuke him in the name of Jesus in the dream but his faced morphed just like Rorschach and I couldn't say, “In the name of Jesus.” My mouth muscles would not allow me to mention Jesus's name. Then the demonic man walked closer to the windscreen then I woke up.

I wondered why I could not use Jesus's name. Then a word came to me that it seems like I don't need to because when a demon-possessed man spoke to the 7 sons of Sceva he said Jesus I know and Paul I know. It seemed like the demon-possessed man knew me but couldn't hurt me because he knew me so I didn't need to say the name of Jesus.

Mysterious Dust

Throughout these past days, it seems that somehow they put some mysterious dust in my nose and to the back of my nasal passage. It is of a taste I have never tasted before so I can't describe it. I do believe it was to give me a cardiac arrest as I felt my heart sometimes hit pain when I would taste it.

I share all this information with you in case between the 15th-18th March anything that was claimed to have been me in a video or out somewhere is a lie and it was A.I. All that time I've just been sleeping and sleeping since the 15th March and never left the house or put on any TV or wifi.

Also over a number of months now “they” keep sending to my mind that they want me to believe that I have dementia. I don't have dementia but Derren Brown can make me forget things so it looks like I have dementia. JUST LOOK ON HIS YOUTUBE VIDEOS. He makes people forget things that they should know, then he does something that makes them remember. I do not have dementia and I am not crazy. If you listen to and believe SOME of these so called experts then realise you are listening to the enemy of the truth. After reading the book, “Overcoming Monarch Mind Control,” it says that Luciferians have infiltrated almost every organization, e.g. as doctors, psychologists, police and so on. In other words, some of these Luciferian doctors etc can make innocent people or believers in Christ who are telling the truth seem as if they are crazy. The Luciferians have main hold over the music and entertainment industry.

Jay Z and Derren Brown allegedly clearly want me dead.

Sometimes the same people who claim they love you and want the best for you are usually the same ones setting you up for you to die, but God will expose everything they planned and I will outlive them and have a blessed and prosperous life.

I believe again that God allowed me to be attacked this way to survive it and document it so others who have experienced this, but no-one believed them, will have evidence from me that this is all real.

If the “specialists” claim I have dementia, don't believe them. Derren Brown has made people forget simple things through his TV shows. He could have made me forget or lose simple things also. And by the way, from what I have experienced, I believe these Luciferians can heal EVERY form of illness, dementia etc. They have the knowledge of the healing power of Christ but keep it for themselves and who they want to heal.

Note also, in early 2024 and in 2022 or 2023 I was put in dream state and given/appeared a pen filled with blood for me to sign a contract. I didn't sign anything. This exact dream happened at 2 different times over a year apart from each other. If you won't sign a contract in normal awake life, “they” try and get you to do it in a dream state that they projected.

I can't use the WIFI in my home as it seems they have cranked up the power of it when I have switched it on. This causes blurry vision, head pain and the last time I switched it on 5th March 2024 it crushed my head and chest. I'm posting this from a WIFI at a shopping centre.

Please continue to pray for my protection and Gods blessing in my life as I pray for you too. Also pray that this situation in my life ends so I can be at a place of peace with genuine people and for those who caused me problems to give up and have to stop harassing me.

Peter Hutchinson



You can see more of what happened to me when they possessed me with demons at this link


Sunday 7 January 2024

I Was “forced” to Make a False Confession

I was “forced” to make a false confession

Go to the link and ask yourself, would you do the same in this position too?


On the 4th January 2024 the spirit world told me to write about a false confession I made.

To be honest, I am completely over all that was done to me and I want to move on with my life, but the spirit world told me I must write about it.

I was going to write about all the times that people have lied about me to prove that I am telling the truth and then I thought to myself, I am not going to address every single issue at all.

What the spirit world wanted me to address is about a “forced” false confession that I was “pushed” to make. For some reason the spirit world said I must do this.

The false confession that the spirit world wanted me to expose was when I was detained in the hospital in Woking for 6 days in January 2023. I was not allowed to leave unless the decision making doctor gave me permission to leave.

On the Monday (I believe) when I spoke to the doctor for the first time I told him that I believe that I was being secretly filmed without my permission. I went into detail about it. I also mentioned about when a former friend was looking for a reason to start an argument or a fight with me and used me having a prawn cracker as the motive for his outrage. He used the fact that I am a vegetarian but I had a prawn cracker. That was what he used to try and kick off a confrontation as he had nothing else to go on. As I walked into his home I felt a really strong bad energy and I was going to leave but the spirit said I should stay. I felt something really bad was supposed to happen.

After telling the TRUTH to the doctor of my experience of being set up and filmed over the last year (during 2022) the doctor said, in words to this affect, that he doesn't believe a word I said because what I have said is not believable. I was shocked and felt like I couldn't move for a moment. I then thought that I was tricked into coming into this hospital that I did not know was a hospital that detained me.

Fear and shock hit me thinking that they are never going to let me out. I've been tricked and trapped. Then I kept thinking about the things Kanye West said about how “they” treated him.

For the next few days I was thinking that they are never going to let me out. It was mentioned to me that I can speak to a lawyer if I think the decision to keep me detained is wrong.

At first I said, “What is the point?” It seemed like the whole system is rigged but made to look fair. I did decide to chose a lawyer anyway. I had nothing else to do at the hospital so why not amuse myself.

I saw the lawyer (I think she said she was an assistant for the lawyer) on the Thursday (I believe) and she said in shock that I should not be in here (or words to that affect) as she said what I told her was totally believable. She told me the procedure to take. She said these hospitals don't like dealing with tribunals so I may be let out sooner. The tribunal would be in 2 weeks time, or there was a 76 hour one (if I rightly remember).

The next day (Friday) was when I saw the doctor again to be assessed to see if I could leave. He would have known that I spoke to a lawyer so I wondered how he would have reacted. I went into the meeting with him with no hope at all after the way he spoke to me when I first saw him.

When I spoke to him this time, I can't remember what he asked me, but I told him that I was telling the truth about what I told him the first time I spoke to him about what my ex friend said and that I believe I have been secretly filmed.

From now on I will talk about the conversation we had in a round about way of his response as I can't remember what he said in his exact sentences.

When I told him that everything I said was true, he said, “Don't you think you are exaggerating, making this up in your mind?

I said, “No. What I said really happened.”

I think we went back and forth like this for a while and I realised that he had no intention on going with what I had to say. I realised, the last time I told him the truth the first time I met him he kept me inside detained in the hospital. It's not like a hospital where you can just walk out. It's got a locked security door where patients cannot get out unless a member of staff opens the door for us.

So after I said I was telling the truth he again said something like, “You are not listening. You made this up in your mind didn't you? It didn't really happen. You are exaggerating don't you think?

I sat there and thought, “My God, he's not going to let me out.” So I said something like, “Maybe I was exaggerating. Maybe it didn't happen.”

He replied something like, “Now you get it. Now you understand.”

I then said, “Yeah, I think I may have got it wrong.”

Again he said something like “That's it. You were making this up.”

I said to him I believe I should be let out as I feel better.

He replied, “The patients that think they are ready to leave are the ones that should stay, and the ones who want to stay are the ones who should leave.”

I then jokingly sarcastically said in response, “You know what, I should stay here really.” He laughed and he may have said something like, “See you are understanding now.

As I realised what was happening I then said to him sarcastically, “You were right to not release me on Monday. You did the right thing.”

I saw that this is what he wanted to hear. I believe I may have said other things to boost his ego and make him in the right and me in the wrong.

What I was aware of is that there were cameras in the room we were talking in and I bet this was used against me to make me out to be a liar.

He then asked me if I wanted to leave today (Friday) or on Monday. I said today.

When I got out of the room with the doctor I told another patient called “Andy” that I was allowed to go today. He looked shocked and confused. I then went into my room. I came back out and sat with Andy.

Then I heard Connor saying “Coon” while I was in the room. He then said “Coon” again. I told Andy and he was shocked. Later on Connor walked past me and secretly said, “I'm not racist, I'm not racist.” I did not respond. I then realized he was told to call me a “Coon” to trigger me to start an argument so I would be seen as unsafe to be out in public and I would have to stay detained in the hospital.

I did not respond to anything. I knew I had to get out of there as soon as possible.

So if the meeting with the doctor was shown to the public with me saying the false confession, now you know why I had to say what I said. Wouldn't you? It's a dilemma. Tell the truth and be kept locked up or make a false confession to gain your freedom. What would you do?

So for everyone who has believed lies about me or negative reports about me, you need to realise you were lied to to make you and others turn against me even though I have not done nothing to you. You believed something that was totally incorrect just to ruin my name. Now see my name as restored back to its original innocent position.

For some reason, I feel as if I had to experience this false confession situation to help others out who were put in this position too.

When you are up against the media, rich people, well paid respected qualified doctors and peoples whose names are on the line, there is almost no hope for you to win. I only had 1% chance of getting the truth out. That's why I believe in a higher power as I was up against the powers that control society.

Still no-one has contacted me whether family, friends or any person who is responsible for me being filmed secretly without my permission about this situation.

I remember speaking to a different doctor inside the hospital too. He asked me if my thoughts are my own. I said, “I don't know as someone could be sending me telepathic messages so I don't know if all my thoughts are my own.”

He said to me words to this affect, “No, say the thoughts are your own.” I again said, “I can't say that they are 100% my thoughts as I could be getting messages sent to my mind from elsewhere.” He again said, “No, say they are your own thoughts.” I got annoyed and just to get the meeting with this doctor over with I said, “Maybe they are just my own thoughts.” He was happy with this response.

Can you see a pattern? It seems like I was being set up.

I know Derren Brown is good at manipulation and planting suggestions as I have watched a number of his shows in the past. I think I could well have been set up.

Hopefully all this secret filming and all these lies about me can now end so I can move on with my life, get compensation for the hell I've been through and begin a prosperous, healthy, safe and fun 2024 and beyond.

K STONE (Peter Hutchinson)

UK Music Producer

Fix Society

Saturday 11 November 2023

Time's Run Out - Revelation 10 - 11/11/2023


Time's Run Out - Revelation 10               11/11/2023

The following also happened the same day as the Christ revelation post https://kstone.co.uk/christ came to me on the 9th November 2023.

[I have to write this on my old blogger site because the “powers that be” have removed my website package from it's website to stop me from posting this new revelation that came to me. I will try and get it back.]



As I was driving on 9th November 2023 the sun reflection hit the wet road and shone brightly in my face. Inside the whole car lit up. Then it started raining heavily. Then the rain eased. I drove a little further and saw an amazing rainbow above my head. When I got to my destination nearby I took pictures. The sky was much darker than in the pictures and I could see this perfect complete rainbow arch from end to end with the clouds as background. I know when most people see rainbows they look amazing, but I have seen a number of rainbows before and this was bar far the most beautiful and most colourful.

The following day I wondered if seeing this perfect rainbow meant anything. Then I remembered a rainbow over a beings head was mentioned in the book of Revelation.

This is what it says in Revelation 10 verse 1

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

When I read that verse it made me think back to the day before when my face shone with the sun and the rainbow was above my head and it was cloudy. I continued reading to verse 2:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth

Then I instantly thought, “That is what I wrote on the back of my book called Revealed At Last in 2013.” On the back cover it says “The little book with a powerful life changing impact.”

The little book the mighty angel had in his hand could be referring to my little book. My little book could well be what is needed to be read by people around the world right now. It's at this link


I kept on reading Revelation 10 v 5-6 and I saw this,

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,

And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

What caught my attention was the end where it says “there should be time no longer.”

That made me wonder. For about the last month I kept saying to myself “double O O” and “double O double zero.” 00:00 is midnight on the clock. Time’s up. Then days after I kept saying 00 00, I came across an old blog I wrote that was put online on 1st November 2016 called “000 No More Time For What?” (Post link https://kstoneukmusic.blogspot.com/2016/11/000-no-more-time-for-what.html)

At one part I said:

“I personally believe we may have hit midnight on the doomsday clock.”

I went on to mention about possible nuclear war, a huge earthquake, meteor/asteroid impact, terrorist attack or even aliens showing up. I also mentioned the possibility of being the end of how things were and the introduction of new technology and medicine that heals on a level we could not believe was possible.

I also unexpectedly came across another old blog post that was put online on 21st December 2018 called “Time Is Up.” (Post Link   https://kstoneukmusic.blogspot.com/2018/12/time-is-up.html)

In that post I said:

On the 21st December 2018, as I was waking up I heard words spoken to my mind…

Tell the corrupt their time is up.

With these signs all happening within a month this may be a significant message telling us that the clock has hit midnight, and as the verse says “there should be time no longer.”

Lets see what happens next...

K STONE (Peter Hutchinson)

UK Music Producer

my website  https://kstone.co.uk/

email kstonehelp@gmail.com

My Books Are Back On Amazon

  To get my books on amazon, first go to this link https://www.kstone.co.uk/books-amazon Chapter 5 of  "This Love Is Real" has sho...